Operator story: La Pluma

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Rafaela Silva was originally the daughter of a lieutenant of the True Bolívarians, one of the three factions in the Bolívarian civil war. She was adopted by her father's comrade Pancho Salas after his death in a tragic battle. Together with him and her step-brother Ernesto, Rafaela was involved in a terrorist attack on Dossoles under the guise of a Warrior Championship participant and secretly planted bombs around the city. Fortunately, the bombs were found and quickly defused by Lin Yühsia who also competed in the competition. In the aftermath, Rafaela and Ernesto were pardoned by Mayor Candela Sanchez and were taken into the Rhodes Island wing under Ch'en's and Yühsia's recommendation.

Not only does Rafaela possess a cute appearance and introverted, quiet personality, but also she is an excellent bartender. Still, the little girl is also an experienced warrior that uses her giant, tactical scythe to reap the lives of her enemies!


Dossoles Holiday

La Pluma: Plumas de Tenacidad