Operation guide: Knights' Duel

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A special Operation in Phantom & Crimson Solitaire that can only be accessed by accepting the mysterious figure's invitation in the Phantom Ramblings Encounter, "Knights' Duel" is, for all intents and purposes, identical to Rusthammer Battle in Ceobe's Fungimist, but the opposition are swapped to four elite knights of Kazimierz: Szewczyk the Plastic Knight, Olmer Ingra the Brassrust Knight, Tytus Topola the Left-hand Knight, and Viviana the Candle Knight. This makes the Crimson Solitaire Operation considerably more difficult than the Fungimist analogue, especially due to the knights' abilities, but to offset this, they will only deduct 1 Life Point upon entering a Protection Objective as usual, so it is very much possible to beat the Operation without defeating any of the knights.