Operator overview: Humus

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A Columbian Forte ruffian who was sent to work on a waste disposal plant on the wilderness as part of his sentence, Humus contracted Oripathy while working on scrap metal which turned out to be contaminated with Originium. This does not deter him to keep working despite his colleagues' concerns, even assembling a protective gear from all the junk he could find. After a while, Humus ended up becoming the disposal plant's new, de facto manager and eventually became known for turning various waste materials many thought to have no value into things with practical use — aesthetics notwithstanding. A Rhodes Island operator noticed Humus' feats and recommend him to came into R.I. for his Oripathy treatment, where he also shared his recycling skills to handle R.I.'s waste disposal matters as well as a battlefield combatant.


Humus is a 4★ Reaper Guard who specializes in DPS and Survival. As a Reaper Guard, Humus has an unusual range covering 1×3 tiles ahead of him and his attacks hit all enemies within said range. However, Humus cannot be actively healed by friendly units (passive healing such as Bard Supporters' trait will still heal him); to compensate this, he will restore 50 HP for every enemy hit in each attack, up to a limit equal to his block count of one or two from Elite 1 (thus if an Elite 1 Humus struck at least two enemies with one attack, he will recover 100 HP no matter how many enemies are hit).


Re-recycle gives Humus a Barrier when overhealed (healing that exceeds maximum HP) which absorbs damage equal to the overheal amount that cannot exceed a certain percentage of his maximum HP.


  1. Solid Waste Cutting has offensive SP recovery, which increases the damage dealt by Humus' attack and causes it to restore more HP when charged.
  2. Efficient Processing increases Humus' block count by one and gives him an ATK Vigor when his HP is over 50% which is doubled when his HP is over 80% while active.

Operator Module

The REA-X Module, Badlands Exotic Toolkit, increases the HP restoration on each hit to 60 in addition to increasing Humus' max. HP, ATK, and DEF. Once upgraded, Re-recycle now buffs Humus' DEF if he has a Barrier from it.

Base skills

Humus' base skills improve processing efficiency while he is assigned to the Workshop.

  1. It'll be Usable After Fixing increases byproduct rate by 50%.
  2. It'll be More After Saving increases the byproduct rate when processing items that drains 2 morale by 40% (which stacks additively with It'll be Usable After Fixing).
