Operator dialogue: Humus

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Appointed as Assistant Can I have this printer that's written off? And that pile of paper, why did you dump it all in the shredder? You can still write on the back!
Talk 1 Stay back. I just finished work, so I'm all sweaty. What do you need? If it's nothing serious, you head on out first. I'll wash up and get a change of clothes, then I'll come talk to you.
Talk 2 What do you think? I made everything I'm wearing by myself. Yeah, it looks like crap, but it's sturdy. Anyway, forget all that. You see this sickle? I tore a door off a huge car to make it. I've used it for years, and it's good as new.
Talk 3 I made the electric cooker I've got in my room out of an old space heater. I made that space heater out of an old TV. As for the TV, I put that together from the parts of a broken bread maker. Where did I get the bread maker? Oh, I modded an electric cooker I scavenged.
Talk after Promotion 1 The Pioneer guys are different from us. They get to wander around. Not us. Once you come to the disposal plant, you're staying forever. Think you can run? Not happening. Where would you even run? Nothing but wasteland out there. You've at least got a chance if you stay inside.
Talk after Promotion 2 *sigh* You have no idea how heartless those snobs are. They dump just about anyone in the disposal plant. Kids barely old enough to work, old folks in bad health. I can't stand it, but there's not much I can do other than making sure they get fed alongside me.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Doctor, remember that printer I took off your hands? I fixed it. Keep an eye on the thermometer up top when you use it. If it goes over the threshold, it could blow.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Yeah, Doctor, I've got a temper, and I can't just sit by and watch bad things happen. In the end, I made the wrong enemies, and got thrown in the disposal plant. A whole decade came and went in the blink of an eye, like a nightmare. But I don't regret it one bit now that I'm awake. I'll keep my temper and make no compromises.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Ever since we were kids, if folks like us wanted to eat, we had to count on the scraps the snobs let slip from on high. But that doesn't fill your stomach. It might be obvious, but some folks end up stealing. That's not something anyone should do, I know. But if there was another way, who would go to that step?
Idle Whatever it is, it can wait until tomorrow. There's unlimited steak at the canteen today, I'd better get over there right away!
Onboard Doctor, Rhodes Island has done so much for me, I have nothing but appreciation for you. If you need something from me, just say the word. I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen!
Watching Battle Record Doctor, I can read a little bit, but the jargon in this video is pretty dense. I can barely make any sense of it.
Promotion 1 What? You're giving me a promotion? Me? For real? Hold up, what was I doing before this?
Promotion 2 Thanks, Doctor... If only my old man had lived long enough to see this day. His kid... always up to no good... has finally made a name for himself.
Added to Squad Agh... It's been a while since I beat anyone up. Hope I didn't get too rusty.
Appointed as Squad Leader Yeah, I can be the captain and chaperone these kids. I'll make sure all of them come back alive.
Depart Hey, hold up! Don't just rush in ahead, you punks!
Begin Operation If you're going to come up on me like that, you can't blame me for what happens next.
Selecting Operator 1 Are you ready?
Selecting Operator 2 I'm all set to go.
Deployment 1 Huh? You didn't call me here to pick locks?!
Deployment 2 Whose car is this? I... How should I know?
In Battle 1 Hmph, taking me on by yourself? Bold.
In Battle 2 What, you think I'd be scared just 'cause you've got a bunch of guys here to grind me down?
In Battle 3 Dammit. There's more of you?
In Battle 4 Argh, screw it. Bring it, all of you!
4-star Result Ugh, I just hope these punks learned their lesson.
3-star Result They got away, but they left behind some pretty good stuff.
Sub 3-star Result Don't chase them. Just let them be. They got beat that bad, they aren't about to make anything of themselves.
Operation Failure This is nothing special. You're bound to lose some of your fights. Go home, wash your face. Life goes on tomorrow.
Assigned to Facility I can't get used to how soft this bed is. You got anything firmer? That's what I like.
Tap You need any help? I'm your man.
Trust Tap Here, I grabbed you some tangerines from the canteen.
Greeting Be sure to eat right, no matter how busy you are.
Title Arknights.