Operator file: Greyy the Lightningbearer

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Greyy has passed multiple engineering examinations.
Now working at the Engineering Department, he specializes in R&D and the applications of new technologies, as well as participating in combat and technology testing as necessary.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Greyy (the Lightningbearer)
Imaging tests show the indistinct outlines of internal organs, obscured by abnormal shadows. Originium granules detected in the circulatory system. The subject is confirmed to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 7.3%
Assimilation has been brought under control, but caution for the patient's condition remains necessary.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.26u/L
Owing to the patient's condition, we've taken a series of invasive procedures and were met with surprising results. It is recommended that we steadily progress with this treatment.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Greyy (the Lightningbearer)
Both the Medical and Engineering Departments have received complaints regarding Operator Greyy's lifestyle and the way he works, but these complaints have always left the operators there stupefied.
To help everyone, Greyy truly has worked so hard that he might have overdone it. We've even heard reports of him helping inspect electrical wiring till late at night, whereupon he ended up passing out due to hypoglycemia from not even taking the time to eat. But having seen how industrious he always is, we found it difficult to speak up and dampen his enthusiasm. Though he himself felt guilty about this, he was likely to repeat the same mistake and exhaust himself again.
"We need a turning point," Mechanist suddenly proclaimed, as he finished reading a large-scale inspection report. Then, on another exceptionally normal day, we all heard that Mechanist suddenly took on a new apprentice. While this is nothing unusual, it's not all that common either, given how strenuous the elite operators' missions are.
Mechanist simply dismissed it as a natural turn of events, though. Eh, apprentices. Nothing is more important than having a decent goal and a thirst for knowledge, isn't that right? As it turns out, helping others channel their energy properly and sorting out mechanical wiring structures may not actually be all that different.
Of course, ever since then, the Medical and Engineering Departments have received a lot less of the aforementioned complaints regarding Greyy.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Greyy (the Lightningbearer)
It seems Greyy tends not to take very good care of his own health. This is especially evident in... how he spends all his time studying and working, day and night. Ordinarily, this wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. But it's a different story when we're talking about an Oripathy patient with a weaker physical constitution than a healthy person. Of course, the Medical Department monitors his work and rest to prevent it from getting too unreasonable, but what we are actually more concerned about is his mental health.
HR even asked us to confirm this, but tests don't lie. Contrary to our assumptions, Operator Greyy does not have survivor syndrome or any similar disorders. We must admit we were probably a little too narrow-minded. The driving force behind his diligence is not trauma, or even a wish to repay Rhodes Island's kindness. Rather, he is genuinely interested in these technologies, and truly wants to use them to improve people's lives.
We often picture "technology improving our lives" in terms of the conveniences brought by technological advancement, but it's easy to forget a key part of this picture: the men and women who work tirelessly to implement the technology that improves our lives. This goes for both medical and engineering tech. At Rhodes Island, we strive to provide operators like Greyy a platform where they can excel and flourish.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Greyy (the Lightningbearer)
For centuries, the energy found in Originium has both worried and motivated us. In the history of its taming, the most exciting achievement ever made was undoubtedly the technology to generate electricity with it. This breakthrough single-handedly solved the problem of the high cost of Originium Arts conductors and accelerated the economization of Originium energy, while also improving its safety and ease of use.
Thanks to this technology, a wide range of products that require a stable supply of Originium energy have become available on the market. These include lighting equipment that has no risk of explosion and no need for high maintenance costs, something that we now take for granted. The unearthing of Originium energy had an explosive impact on Terra, and it was this technology that turned that impact into a trickling stream that continues to enrich each and every nomadic city.
–From the preface of Nomadic City Technologies Discussions, Volume 3
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Greyy (the Lightningbearer)
The control systems produced and manufactured by Volvort Kochinski are known far and wide. Based on our investigations, Operator Greyy's mother was very likely an engineer employed by that company. However, we have yet to find her name in any of their files. Moreover, there are also reports suggesting that the prototype of a certain piece of technology once stolen from the company was discovered in Bolívar. How it got there is currently being investigated. Based on the scattered clues we currently possess though, we have reason to believe that the prototype was undoubtedly related to a new form of energy technology. Technological innovation brings more than just good, and to sustain its birth there are always sacrifices not known to the masses. We risk being traced ourselves if we investigate any further, and as such, may have to put this matter on pause for the time being.
In addition, we have reason to believe that Greyy's father was arrested during the unrest and disappeared without a trace soon thereafter. The chances that he survived are slim. It is recommended that HR use their discretion in determining whether the operator should be informed of this.
Promotion Record
Promote Greyy the Lightningbearer to Elite 2
Lately, Mechanist has been a tad bit depressed. Just a little. But what's even more depressing is that, from a bystander's point of view, the way he looks when he's depressed is almost comical. Or perhaps it's because it's not easy for anyone to relate to what he's feeling.
Come to think of it, on a mission related to Rhine Lab not too long ago, he saw a kind of substance that existed only in imagination, although that's hardly unexpected in a place like that.
Right, it may not exactly be beyond imagination. Originium Arts and conductors have for a long time allowed us to bring our wildest dreams to life, but if someone were to tell you that someone actually created something that'd previously been only a pipe dream...
Right, it'd make you feel a little left out. That it was a little unfair. And, of course, maybe a little... jealous?
Ferdinand was telling the truth, though. Of course, such a magnificent Arts conductor like that, like something out of science fiction, could herald the start of a new era. What's more, its purpose was clearly more than just a conductor. Naturally, every engineer who admires cutting-edge technology wouldn't be able to control their eagerness to try it out.
Fortunately, having seen that transmitter at its fullest potential, Greyy knows how Mechanist feels. Unfortunately, that just means we have one more slightly depressed engineer.

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