Operator dialogue: Greyy

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Appointed as Assistant Hi, Doctor... Um, if you need anything, please tell me... Um, do you still remember my code name...?
Talk 1 Doc-Doctor, hi... Um, I just checked the Medical Department's power grid, and taking some files around while I'm at it... No, nobody's forcing me! I mean, they take such good care of me, it's the least I can do for them...
Talk 2 I decided to learn electric Arts just so my friends back in the slums could have some light, just so the nights would be a little less miserable... That pitch black, it's really scary. And the kinds of people who live in the dark, they can be scary too...
Talk 3 These Originium generators here at Rhodes Island are amazing... You know, if we had anything like them back home, we'd have enough power we wouldn't need to live in the dark all the time, like it was normal.
Talk after Promotion 1 My mother taught me the basics of Arts. She told me I use Arts just like she did when she was younger, but I'm also as sickly as she was... If she were still alive, I'd hope she could come with me to Rhodes Island...
Talk after Promotion 2 Before your training, Doctor, all I could do with my Arts was light up one little room. But now that little spark has turned into something that can help people everywhere...! Doctor, thank you so much!
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Huh? A current anomaly in Miss Mayer's storeroom? W-why is it her again... What? Dr. Kal'tsit wants more cables for her lab? And another outage in Ifrit's room? Wah aahhh... Doctor, help meee...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Zzz... Wha? Doctor...? Ah! Sorry! I wasn't napping! I, erm, I was... Oh, is this Medical?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Doctor, are you going out again...? Okay, I know. I'll wait here for you... Um, Doctor, please hurry back...
Idle Whoa...! Aaaugh... Static electricity. Gave me a jolt...
Onboard H-Hi. My name is Greyy. I'm kind of an electrician... Erm, th-thanks for taking me on...!
Watching Battle Record C-could you pause it for a minute? I-I'm taking notes...
Promotion 1 It's a promotion? Okay, I'll take it to... Huh? It's, it's for me...? Huh?
Promotion 2 Heh heh. Doctor, let me light the way for you! Um, am I getting too full of myself...? But I actually mean it...!
Added to Squad Greyy. I'm here to help...
Appointed as Squad Leader I'm the Cap-Captain...? Um, it's what the Doctor wants...!
Depart Let me handle the logistical support...!
Begin Operation Doctor, the enemy is here...
Selecting Operator 1 I-I'll try my best...
Selecting Operator 2 I-I should be able to do it...!
Deployment 1 Slowly, and carefully...
Deployment 2 I-I have to watch where I step.
In Battle 1 Stop being evil!
In Battle 2 I won't let them get hurt...!
In Battle 3 Take-Take this!
In Battle 4 An electric shock c-can really hurt...!
4-star Result Doc-Doctor, good job...! Can we go home now...?
3-star Result We-We won...! Doctor!
Sub 3-star Result Doctor, the ones who ran off... We won't see them again, will we?
Operation Failure Err... Doctor...
Assigned to Facility What am I doing today?
Tap Whoa...
Trust Tap Doctor, you're really tall... I-I wonder when I'll get to be that tall...
Greeting Doctor, you're back!
Title Arknights.