Operator dialogue: GreyThroat

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Appointed as Assistant That's fine. If I stick with you, I'll at least be able to escape that dusty cabin and catch some fresh air.
Talk 1 I don't shy away from sensitive topics regarding the Infected? That's correct, they're not like us, which should be obvious, but they're also like us in the sense that they have the right to seize hope. Therefore, there's no need for me to take extra care of them. That's equality, is it not?
Talk 2 Blaze is sometimes too reckless. I know she's strong, but… What? You know how to deal with her? Tch... Forget it, I'll ask Amiya how to handle her after we get back.
Talk 3 I'm just speaking objectively here, but if you don't want to be discriminated against, then you also shouldn't expect preferential treatment from others... What, she went back to her room to cry? Look, I feel a little bad about it, but is someone like her really suited to be an Operator?
Talk after Promotion 1 Rhodes Island is changing. Maybe you might not feel it, {nickname}, since these changes are because of you, and not everyone is as disagreeable as I am. However, I do enjoy Rhodes Island's current direction.
Talk after Promotion 2 I used to prefer choosing long-distance missions, as if trying to flee from Rhodes Island. Isn't that a bit ungrateful, considering Rhodes Island adopted me? As for right now? Haha, if there are still operators who like splattering blood everywhere, maybe I will apply to be sent somewhere else.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Doctor, are you afraid? Of Catastrophes, Originite, Oripathy, and the Infected? Mm, even now, I'm still plagued by nightmares. But now, I have Amiya, as well as idiots like that Blaze. It seems that I'm not as afraid as I used to be.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Why are you called "Doctor?" No, I'm not trying to get you to remember anything, it's just that title makes me very... wistful. Looking at all the Infected people around you makes me remember... just a little bit of the past.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I've known this entire time. When my mother brought me to Rhodes Island, she had already gone crazy. I could not feel the pain of her turmoil, but I can relate with it, because I relied on that obsession to get me to where I am today. Only now, I've found a new direction... I want to find her, and I want to save her.
Idle You shoulder the future of Rhodes Island, and those who hold up the bridge cannot be so lackadaisical.
Onboard So you're {nickname}? Amiya told me about you. I'm GreyThroat; please don't disappoint me.
Watching Battle Record For efficiency's sake, speed up the playback. I can still see it clearly.
Promotion 1 Even now, there are still a handful of Operators who I am on bad terms with. Hopefully my promotion will not be a cause of criticism?
Promotion 2 Whether Infected or not, we all choose to step upon this land through our own free will, and so we must all work hard to survive, right?
Added to Squad I prefer working alone.
Appointed as Squad Leader Whether or not they'll listen to my orders is another matter.
Depart A panoramic view of the battlefield.
Begin Operation I just have to rout them, right?
Selecting Operator 1 I'm right here.
Selecting Operator 2 Too slow.
Deployment 1 I'll get going then.
Deployment 2 Can the others keep up?
In Battle 1 Your movements are too slow.
In Battle 2 I see them. But they don't see me. Too bad.
In Battle 3 The skills are enough to solve this situation.
In Battle 4 Don't worry, there's nothing in their line of sight.
4-star Result We won't see many victories like this, since our power is limited.
3-star Result I have no talent to speak of, so as a crossbowman, I cannot allow an enemy to get within three meters of me.
Sub 3-star Result The medics should stay behind to tend the wounded. I will chase after them, considering I'm used to working alone anyway.
Operation Failure Be aware of your surroundings; I'll ensure the safety of the retreat route.
Assigned to Facility Though I've been here for many years, I rarely go anywhere else...
Tap Hyah?!
Trust Tap Aren't you afraid of upsetting the Operators who are Infected if you're always around me?
Greeting Hello.
Title Arknights.