Tutorial: FC-TR-2

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[Jessica and Melantha are deployed to take down the Dublinn Flamecaller on the field. Note that a Reeds close to the lower-right Protection Objective is on fire. The Flamecaller is eliminated, but they conflagrates upon death which causes Reeds in the vicinity, including one where Melantha stands on, to be on fire as well.]
<Game paused>
Melantha <The burning Reeds Melantha was on is highlighted> What the...
Dobermann <The burning Reeds Melantha was on is highlighted> Reed beds can be set on fire under some circumstances.
<The burning Reeds Melantha was on is highlighted> Burning reed beds no longer provide Camouflage, and Operators within will take Arts Damage and Burn Damage.
Melantha Sorry... I'm trying to deal with the fire.
Dobermann Hang in there, Melantha. The fire is dying down.
<Game unpaused>
[The burning Reeds cause Melantha to take both Arts damage and Burn Damage overtime as a Dublinn Sniper spawns and engages her, who can clearly see her behind the Reeds. The fire on the Reeds Melantha was on is eventually put out, stopping her from taking further damage and camouflages her again.]
<Game paused>
Melantha <The Reeds Melantha was on is highlighted> The fire's finally out.
Dobermann <The Reeds Melantha was on is highlighted> Deploy Operators in burning reed beds to gradually put out the fires.
<Game unpaused>
[Despite taking a lot of damage from the fire earlier and the Snipers' attacks, Melantha managed to hold the line. Unbeknownst to them, the fire on the other burning Reeds are spreading to nearby ones, setting them on fire as well which approaches the one Jessica was on.]
<Game paused>
Dobermann <The cluster of burning Reeds is highlighted> Fires may spread when there is an adjacent reed bed.
<Game unpaused>
[More hostiles show up, including Dublinn Scouts, as the Reeds' wildfire is only one step away to where Jessica was on.]
<Game paused>
Jessica <The burning Reeds next to Jessica is highlighted> The fire's spreading.
Dobermann <The burning Reeds next to Jessica is highlighted> Operators deployed in reed beds can put out the fire and prevent it from spreading.
<The burning Reeds next to Jessica is highlighted> Let me demonstrate.
<Game unpaused>
[Dobermann is deployed on the burning Reeds next to Jessica; notice that it stops the fire from spreading to where Jessica was on. A Dublinn Flamechaser Soldier shows up.]
<Game paused>
Dobermann <The Flamechaser Soldier is highlighted> Focus on the enemies in front of you. Their attacks will deal extra Burn Damage when near a fire.
It is important to put out fires quickly and prevent them from spreading.
I'm counting on you.
<Game unpaused>
[Popukar and Whisperain are available for deployment. The player deploys the former on the burning Reeds near the Objective and deploys the latter in the second tile below Dobermann; Popukar holds off the first Flamechaser Soldier as two more spawns despite taking more Burn Damage from the Flamechaser's attacks while the Reeds she was on is on fire. Thanks to Whisperain's healing support, the Operators managed to eliminate all hostiles.]