Operator dialogue: Executor the Ex Foedere

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Appointed as Assistant Yes, I have received the notification that fragmentation mines are forbidden in the corridors. But rest assured, Doctor, the high voltage fencing installed on your door violates no ordinances.
Talk 1 Indeed, I was the one who introduced recent Lateran Operators to Rhodes Island. If you have no objections, I will continue to introduce functionaries with special circumstances to you. I hope to study how Sankta live outside Lateran, and how it compares to their life within.
Talk 2 This mission may call for a piano performance? Do not worry. I have memorized the complete scores of over a hundred classical pieces, and I can play every note in accurate order. Any properly trained executor should be capable of this. That does not count as playing the piano? I do not understand.
Talk 3 The title "Saint" can neither enhance my abilities nor reveal any precise mission to me. Though it has added difficulties to my work, I cannot fathom why I was chosen. Its objective and demands are something I must seek myself.
Talk after Promotion 1 Doctor, this is my medical examination report, please confirm. Currently, no horns have grown on my head, and my halo has seen no changes in shape or form. Indeed, my violation of the law has not had a physical effect on me, but it's nothing worthy of celebration. Abnormalities have been on the rise. This is an omen of disaster.
Talk after Promotion 2 Doctor, during my recent missions, my limbs have been acting before I complete my thought processes. This phenomenon can impede successful completion of my missions. I am troubled. Could you tell me whether it's a kind of disease? Will my condition worsen? Is there (a) medicine that can heal it?
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Most confuse Arturia's Arts as tampering with cognition and mental faculty, but I know the fact is just the oppoiste[sic]. Arturia is interested only in the truest emotions, and cares not for where these emotions lead. The influence she can command is far worse than anyone can possibly imagine.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 What are you doing, Doctor? Bodily contact is no replacement for spoken language. I cannot decipher your thoughts through your limbs. You think that I need comfort? If that is your judgement, then I have no reason to refuse. Infact, I am merely thinking back to my recent mission. What leaves a man no other choice(,) but death?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 As you can see, this is a burnt flower. I have, to the best of my abilities, maintained its condition in order to bring it to you. It is not a gift, becuase it does not meet the criteria for one. It's a question in my mind. I am still pondering the things behind this flower.
Idle You lack sleep, Doctor. You need more rest.
Onboard You seem surprised, Doctor. Please rest assured that the change in my equipment won't affect my ability to complete my missions. If you find yourself ill at ease because of my attire, I can change into my previous garments before I enter Rhodes Island. No need? Understood.
Watching Battle Record I have attempted a few combat techniques, and they have yielded excellent results.
Promotion 1 You put together an all new profile. Is this a false identity for my next mission? If the need arises, I know where to prepare identification that can pass checks. No need? This, too, is a normal promotion?
Promotion 2 I am trying to understand the law. Is Laterano's foundation truly these words alone? Is that applicable to lands other than Laterano? I must admit I have indeed been affected by it, to a certain degree. I will attempt to find the answer posthaste.
Added to Squad The law itself has no power. It calls for enforcers.
Appointed as Squad Leader I require those who can act on their own judgment.
Depart Move out.
Begin Operation Commencing operation. Please confirm the mission objective.
Selecting Operator 1 Understood.
Selecting Operator 2 Your request is reasonable.
Deployment 1 Prayers are unnecessary.
Deployment 2 I shall ensure the integrity of the law.
In Battle 1 Target confirmed.
In Battle 2 Destruction is the most naive behavior.
In Battle 3 Annihilation is the most common result.
In Battle 4 Violated taboos hold no power.
4-star Result No casualties, no commotions. All good.
3-star Result Mission complete.
Sub 3-star Result The result is acceptable.
Operation Failure We need to reformulate our battle plans.
Assigned to Facility Maintaining a dedicated room is a show of respect? I see.
Tap I have heard there are certain hobbies that are not easily understood by others. Perhaps this is one such hobby?
Trust Tap Speak the word if you need anything, Doctor.
Greeting You have changed greatly, Doctor.
Title Arknights.