Operator dialogue: Ethan

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Appointed as Assistant Yo, Doctor! Is it time for my shift? Hmm? I suddenly popped up out of nowhere? No way, I just left the office.
Talk 1 My last job was with Reunion. Haven't I said that a bunch of times? Hey, aren't I voluntarily helping you with background checks and whatnot? Look, I wasn't involved with anything back when I was with Reunion, so I don't even have any guilt I'd like to wash away.
Talk 2 If there's anything I really hated about Reunion, it was the food! Of course it was the food! The staple food for my team was a piece of blackened hardtack that was as tough as a rock. I had to throw it in a pot and simmer it into a stew before I could stomach that stuff.
Talk 3 You should have run into Reunion's "Wraith" ops a few times before, right? I used to work there. I was tasked with conducting investigations and whatnot, but I never really did anything. When I was bored, I took out bets on who would get discovered the least. When I think back on it, I was basically bullying people.
Talk after Promotion 1 What did I do before joining the Reunion Movement? Well, I was always hiding from those Infected hunters, but because of my sneaky little power here, they never found me, haha.... But, no matter how much I hid, I couldn't really do anything to actually help the Infected.
Talk after Promotion 2 In the beginning, I would hide in the underground. I used to want to help out the Infected people, but over time, I turned a little sour, I guess. Fortunately, I'm back to being sweet again. What do I mean by that? You're asking that again? Just give it a rest already.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Camouflage Arts are very complicated! First you gotta get to know the materials and get a feel for these gadgets. Memorize the shape of each wall crack and the color of the soil and wood. If you don't, you'll be exposed and they'll get you easy.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 You were the only one in the office, but the snacks disappeared as soon as you turned your head? Umm, tell you what. I understand. I'll make sure to catch the culprit, mhm.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 So, this is the layout of the mission location? Ah, I see. Wow, you're really something. Your strategies are always so effective, no wonder why Reunion got their asses handed to them every time. All right, I'll get going now!
Idle Huh? I didn't lock the door?
Onboard You're asking where I am? I'm right in front of you! You can call me Ethan. You're asking me what happened just now? Haha, I can't answer that yet!
Watching Battle Record Where am I? But, I'm right here! Look at the security camera, top left on this screen. Top left corner!
Promotion 1 Haha, I told you before right? You won't regret putting work into my hands.
Promotion 2 Yo, Doctor. Make sure to remember the little guys, especially me. I could die in battle somewhere and nobody would even realize I'm gone. So please, I'm trusting you to remember where I am!
Added to Squad You said that wall just moved right in front of your eyes? Haha, you've gotta be exaggerating, right?
Appointed as Squad Leader Eyyy! I'm the captain now, so you'd all better listen up!
Depart Don't panic, even if you realize you're the only one left on the team!
Begin Operation Is it time to fight? Let me hide first!
Selecting Operator 1 Right here, right here!
Selecting Operator 2 What's the plan?
Deployment 1 Coming, coming.
Deployment 2 Right here is fine.
In Battle 1 Get 'em! Get 'em good!
In Battle 2 Violence won't solve all your problems, but taking care of you isn't a problem either!
In Battle 3 Can't see me!
In Battle 4 Are you about to faint?
4-star Result Are we done fighting? Ahh, I'm beat!
3-star Result I worked pretty hard. You saw me, right? Right?
Sub 3-star Result So what if they got away. Let 'em go.
Operation Failure You should go first, at least I can grab their legs.
Assigned to Facility Nice room you got here. Let's see what sticks out the most.
Tap Oh, you found me.
Trust Tap Hey, want to go take a stroll?
Greeting Hey Doctor, you look like you're in a nice mood. Did something good happen?
Title Arknights.