ISW-SP: Duck Highway

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Duck Highway
Encounter: 气打鸭处来
Duck Highway map.png
<Roadblocks> that can block the enemy's route after deployment are provided


Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 10 Varies 33 ~ 35
Deployable devices Roadblock.png Roadblock ×1


Elite Duck Lord, Fully-Enclosed Beach Buggy ×39, Shattered Champion ×11, Fatty ×0–1, Gopnik ×0–1, Kouaku Cautelotaur ×0–7, Mudrock Colossus ×0–6, Famiglia Silent Cleaner ×0–8, Sophisticated Flycart ×6, Crying Thief ×0–1
  • The Duck Lord will spawn alongside one of the three other bonus enemies accompanied by additional enemies listed below:
    • Crying Thief + Famiglia Silent Cleaners
    • Fatty + Kouaku Cautelotaurs
    • Gopnik + Mudrock Colossi
  • Kouaku Cautelotaurs spawn with the shell they would normally receive from predating a Chitotex/Keratex Clawbeast.
  • Fully-Enclosed Beach Buggies are excluded from the enemy counter.


Condition: More enemies will appear, and enemies have increased ATK, DEF, and HP
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 10 Varies 52
Deployable devices Roadblock.png Roadblock ×1


Elite Duck Lord, Fully-Enclosed Beach Buggy ×39, Shattered Champion ×11, Fatty, Gopnik, Kouaku Cautelotaur ×7, Mudrock Colossus ×6, Famiglia Silent Cleaner ×8, Sophisticated Flycart ×6, Crying Thief
  • All enemies (including the Crying Thief, Duck Lord, Fatty, and Gopnik) have their HP and ATK/DEF increased by 30% and 20%, respectively.
  • Kouaku Cautelotaurs spawn with the shell they would normally receive from predating a Chitotex/Keratex Clawbeast.
  • Fully-Enclosed Beach Buggies are excluded from the enemy counter.