Operator trivia: Conviction

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  • Conviction is the first non-binary character in Arknights due to having no clearly defined gender, which is simply stated as "Conviction" in-game; the Arknights Terra Wiki will use the singular they when referring to Conviction.
    • Conviction is the only playable non-binary Operator. Depending on one's reading, Ya and the Sargonian Contract Assassin may also qualify, but they are both enemies.
    • Conviction is a deity, and the form they take depends on the beholder, meaning that their gender is never fixed, in that sense, they are very similar to Ya.
  • Conviction was playable in Arknights' beta, but were cut prior to the game's release until their reintroduction in April Fools 2020. In the beta, Conviction is a Push Stroker Specialist whose skills are similarly named to what they were currently, but behaves identically to that of Shaw's, and has a different talent named Absolute Ruling which gives them a chance to resist Arts damage.
  • Conviction has the traits of a peafowl, specifically Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus), which can be easily noticed from the plumages on their back.
  • An illustration of The Creation of Adam can be seen in Conviction's sprite when Genesis is used and in their Elite 2 artwork.
  • Unlike other characters, Conviction's artwork design is notably more traditional anime-styled.
  • Due to an oversight when Interlocking Competition: Hymnoi Wisdom is live in the Global and TW server, Conviction's faction was not changed to Minos as in the CN server and remained as part of Rhodes Island, except in the Network section of the Archive where they were properly shown as part of Minos, which had the side-effect of making Conviction not affected by Pallas' talent Birth of a Hero. This was fixed on a flash update for Global on January 6, 2022 and TW server in The Great Chief Returns Rerun, and their faction had changed back to Minos.