Operator story: Bagpipe

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The only surviving member of the 2nd Tempest Platoon and the only one who knows the truth behind the Hillock atrocity. This is a burden Fiona has to bear until today.

Fiona Young, the cheerful Victorian Vouivre, was raised in a rural environment and had been working on her family's ranch. She later joined the Victorian military and earned commendations for her service record under the codename "Bagpipe." With her excellent racial traits, she became one of the high-ranking soldiers in her regiment.

However, everything changed for her during the County Hillock atrocity in 1098. Together with her regiment leader Rita, a.k.a. "Horn," and her teammates, Fiona was investigating the missing illegal Originium products in the local warehouses as well as the mysterious Dublinn that fueled the Taran separatist movement in the south. They were also suspicious of the local soldiers who kept interrupting their mission. As it turned out, the soldiers were plotting to massacre Hillock's Tarans amidst the Dublinn insurgence via Originium dirty bomb shelling, resulting in Fiona's regiment getting annihilated. To bear witness, Rita ordered her to stay alive, making her one of the only survivors.

After retiring early following the incident, Fiona became a nameless adventurer. She joined Rhodes Island under the recommendation of her former classmate Ch'en, lending her agricultural knowledge to R.I.'s logistics department, and in combat, Fiona acts as a field combatant utilizing a "pile bunker" lance capable of firing short-range explosive munitions from its tip. She is also working with Ch'en to search for clues on Dublinn and reveal the mystery behind the Hillock atrocity, only to find herself involved in a larger conspiracy within the chaotic palace of Londinium.


Ch'en: In One Effort

Episode 08

Episode 09

Bagpipe: Dangerous Road

Episode 10

Episode 11

What The Firelight Casts

Episode 13

The following story events are not necessarily in a chronological order.

Perfumer: Refurbishment Plans