Operator dialogue: April

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Appointed as Assistant Doctor, anything I can help with?
Talk 1 Ahhh... A hot shower every day is amazing... After I got infected and had to move, it was really hard for me to find a hot shower. And the food here is so clean. Oh, I love Rhodes Island~
Talk 2 "April"? "April" is a song about spring. The lyrics are about the feeling of lying on the grass on a warm spring day, looking up at the sky and thinking about stuff. You wanna hear it? I'm sure you'll love it~
Talk 3 Hey, where's my lip gloss...? Oh, I remember. I lent it to Rope. Hm? Oh, because I was gonna teach her to do makeup. She's got a good foundation, so she'll be super cute after some sprucing up.
Talk after Promotion 1 Back in Rim Billiton, the company promised a pension for the Infected, but you only get scraps in the end, and there's no jobs... Good thing I decided to try Rhodes Island as soon as I saw the ad. You treat me like a human being here.
Talk after Promotion 2 After I got infected, people started asking me like "what's an Infected wearing such bright colors for" and "what's an Infected listening to music for"... I always just tell them: "Because I wanna."
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Back in Rim Billiton, I was a professional hunter. I had to keep animals away from the city and sometimes escort company people. But after I got Oripathy, I lost my job and had to hunt on my own for a living. It was real rough...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 My parents died in a mining accident when I was little, and I grew up on a company pension, so I was always real grateful to the company. I figured getting Oripathy was my own dumb fault... But that's not really what happened, is it, Doctor?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Doing something for the Infected... I never thought about it before. I mean, it's hard enough to keep yourself alive. But after coming to Rhodes Island, I decided I wanted to try to do something not just for myself, but for everyone who suffers like me.
Idle Doctor, if you wanna nap, I can lend you my earplugs.
Onboard Rhodes Island has such great stuff, and they treat you so good... Oh, sorry, Doctor, I'm just a little shocked. My codename is April. Yeah, it's the name of my favorite song.
Watching Battle Record The pros are amazing...
Promotion 1 A raise...? Oh, it's not that I'm disappointed, I'm thrilled. It's just been a long, long time since anyone told me I was doing a good job.
Promotion 2 Back in Rim Billiton, I liked to sit on the roof and listen to my music while I watched the whole city go by. Now, I can see even more from the bridge of Rhodes Island. There was a silver lining to me getting sick, huh, Doctor?
Added to Squad Heyo~
Appointed as Squad Leader Come with me, everybody!
Depart Here we go!
Begin Operation Earphones in, let's get started~
Selecting Operator 1 My bow is ready~
Selecting Operator 2 Who's the target?
Deployment 1 Nice visibility~
Deployment 2 Leave it to me~
In Battle 1 Let's get some fast music going.
In Battle 2 Now this is a good rhythm!
In Battle 3 I've got a lock on you~
In Battle 4 This one won't miss!
4-star Result Doctor, how would you like to relax with some music?
3-star Result Didn't miss a single one~
Sub 3-star Result Doctor, a few got away, should we chase them?
Operation Failure Doctor, I'll cover you!
Assigned to Facility I've been around Rhodes Island a couple times and I think it's really big.
Tap Huh?
Trust Tap The Doctor should be in the office, right?
Greeting Doctor, wanna hear some tunes?
Title Arknights.