Operator dialogue: Ambriel

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Appointed as Assistant Any work to do today? If it's not urgent, just push everything back a bit.
Talk 1 I can detect nearby creatures with my Originium Arts, and this auxiliary device can further amplify the effect. Sounds great, huh? That's why the Garrison Team sent me to patrol the city, in case there were any students trying to skip school. They sure know how to put people to use.
Talk 2 Just to get this out of the way, this so-called secret of Laterano or whatever? I don't know a single thing about it. I just want to live a leisurely life. The less I know, the better off I'll be, wouldn't you agree?
Talk 3 Hmm? Isn't that person over there from the Notarial Hall? He wanted to make sure I'm "fulfilling my obligations?" Oh please, I pay my taxes on time every month. Anyway, whether or not that's true, give me a whisper if he's looking for me so I have time to go on a run.
Talk after Promotion 1 I was bored earlier, so I headed down to the bridge to slack off... Err, I meant, I wanted to take a look at the scenery, but everyone was looking at me like I was getting ready to off somebody. Hey, doesn't that mean people see me as a killer? Like I'd ever want a job like that, way too messy.
Talk after Promotion 2 In the past, the top brass used to always harp on "protecting the glory of Laterano with your life," but I have no interest in that slogan, and I hate how static and immutable life was during that time. Working with you is way better, since you can give me something more practical.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 My hair's a bit messy? Oh, seems like I forgot to tidied up after getting out of bed. After all, it's not like I have anything to do today... What a pain in the butt. Anyway, come help me out, is my braid all crooked? It always feels a bit weird to me. You really should have a mirror in your office.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Hey, I have some cake for you. What do you usually do during break? You really should take a lap around the city and get some fresh air, don't you think? As for security, just grab an Operator that can go "pow pow" on any baddies near you, and you're set.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Wanna go watch a movie? Our work's just about done anyway. How about that romantic movie about the princess and the wanderer from afar? Wait, I need to hang up my do-not-disturb sign. Wouldn't want someone walking in.
Idle …Gotta take advantage of a time like this.
Onboard Ambriel, sniper, from Laterano... Introductions are a pain in the butt, so that's it. Here, I just opened this pack of chocolate. Break off a stick.
Watching Battle Record How long is this thing... Is there no option to play all of these at once?
Promotion 1 Thanks. Speaking of which, do these promotions come with a salary increase? There's something I've been looking at recently...
Promotion 2 Oh, thank you very much. I've been with Rhodes Island for quite some time now, right? Without realizing it, I've gotten a whole lot out of this, and made some good memories as well.
Added to Squad My teammates seem quite capable this time.
Appointed as Squad Leader I'll say this up front. My tactics are a little unorthodox.
Depart Ready? Let's get going.
Begin Operation I hope we can wrap this mission up before dinner.
Selecting Operator 1 Huh?
Selecting Operator 2 Let me finish this piece first.
Deployment 1 Deploying sniper platform.
Deployment 2 Automatically calibrating.
In Battle 1 Over here.
In Battle 2 You should've hidden yourself better.
In Battle 3 It's very dangerous out there.
In Battle 4 I'll send you home.
4-star Result As expected, Doctor, you're the only one who can consistently achieve results like this!
3-star Result Not a single wasted shot – perfect.
Sub 3-star Result Not the prettiest victory, but a win's a win, right?
Operation Failure The number of targets is still increasing, and they're about to launch an attack. Doctor, let's get out of here...
Assigned to Facility Doctor, it's about time to replenish the cookies in the vending machine.
Tap What is it?
Trust Tap I heard that a new line of clothing just arrived in the Procurement Division? Hehe, Doctor, you simply must take me to see it.
Greeting Yo.
Title Arknights.