Tutorial: ZT-TR-2

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<Game paused>
Czerny This place is drowning in the Witch King's aggravating cacophony, so exercise caution.
<Game unpaused>
[Hibiscus the Purifier is deployed below Czerny to back him up. She attacks the Tuning Node in the vicinity, which has no effect due to its right side being shielded.]
<Game paused>
Hibiscus the Purifier There's a Tuning Node here, but it's protected by a screen and I can't hit it...
<A circular object close to Czerny is highlighted> Huh, that's a pretty intriguing phenomenon, actually.
Czerny <The object is highlighted> The Arts and sounds absorbed by that location appear to have been silenced...
<Game unpaused>
[Lava is deployed above Czerny and attacks the object, known as an Aspect of Annihilation. Her attacks do nothing towards the Aspect of Annihilation, but instead causes a similar object on the left corner of the map, known as an Aspect of Creation, to fire off a projectile that hits the Tuning Node on its unprotected left side, charging it up.]
<Game paused>
Czerny <The Aspect of Creation is highlighted> But at the same time, a new sound has been born from it—we can use this to attack the node.
Hibiscus the Purifier Fascinating!
Ah, it seems like the energy absorption phenomenon is disappearing.
<Game unpaused>
[The Aspect of Annihilation vanishes, but it is now available in the deployment menu, allowing it to be redeployed at the player's discretion.]
<Game paused>
Czerny Even an atonal piece follows the rules of rhythm.
Let's see if I can counterpoint a repetition.
<The Aspect of Annihilation on the deployment menu is highlighted> Success. Now, we can reproduce that phenomenon anywhere on the battlefield. You may attack it to continue capturing nodes.
<Game unpaused>
[Ansel is deployed to provide medical support. (The player deploys the Aspect of Annihilation in the ranges of Hibiscus and Lava) The sisters' attack allows the Aspect of Creation to charge up the Tuning Node as two Remnant Orchestra Wind Players show up and the melancholic variation is about to start. (The player activates the Tuning Node when the melancholic variation starts) The altered variation prevents the Wind Players from unleashing their Stunning attack as the Aspect of Creation warps itself into another location nearby.]
<Game paused>
Hibiscus the Purifier <The relocated Aspect of Creation is highlighted> Huh? It changed locations.
Czerny It would seem the laws of creation and annihilation are indeed quite unstable here. We must seize the chance at the opportune time.
Furthermore, it appears that no matter how we attack it, the sounds it produces deal only physical damage. You can try attacking enemies with it.
<Game unpaused>
[(The player redeploys the Aspect of Annihilation) Hibiscus and Lava's attacks on the Aspect of Annihilation, which they targets over the Wind Players, allows the Aspect of Creation to blast the Wind Players; note that the Aspect of Creation's projectiles always deal Physical damage despite Hibiscus and Lava dealing Arts damage with their attacks, which does not matter much as the Wind Players are swiftly taken out.]