Operator dialogue: Warfarin

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Appointed as Assistant Doctor, Dr. Kal'tsit sent me to take a blood sample from you. We can chat while I'm getting the needle ready.
Talk 1 Can I control the urge to feed, you ask? You underestimate me! I'm a trained professional, you know. Of course I can properly tell patients from food!
Talk 2 It's my job to track typical blood indicators for all our Operators, even if they aren't exactly happy about it... huh? What am I doing with these blood bags, you ask? They're samples, of course! Geez! What else could I be doing with them?
Talk 3 So there's another one of my kind here. And she's an... engineer? Guess she likes the smell of machine oil more than blood.
Talk after Promotion 1 Why I chose to become a doctor? I can't say it was any sort of lofty calling. It's just that, you know, OUR kind... we don't exactly have the brightest prospects. But it turned out my skills were actually in surprisingly high demand, so... I just went with the flow.
Talk after Promotion 2 How do we fight the urge to feed, you ask? We actually have a course that helps us control our desires. And we've invented artificial blood, so we drink that if we need. We can be very resourceful, you know.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 This is the standard procedure. It happens to everyone after you have blood drawn. Don't move, Doctor. Ah... ah, blood... your blood... it smells... it smells delicious... I'm... it's captivating...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Replenishing saline solution! Changing filters! Sterilizing sand and charcoal canisters... all done! Doctor, you'd better keep your medical supplies well-maintained. As Dr. Kal'tsit said, when your kidneys give out, these machines are going to save your life... aw, haha, just kidding.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Fine, fine, I'll come clean... I have tasted lots of blood from different species and races and types. And I do enjoy the subtle differences in flavor, okay? In fact, the only type of blood I've never tasted is... yours, Doctor. Haha!
Idle Ah, so you still have time to sleep? I'm jealous.
Onboard I am called Warfarin, the blood-scientist-slash-doctor. Besides common healing Arts, I also guarantee y'all safer, more professional medical treatments with my expertise and experience. Nice to meet you.
Watching Battle Record Hm, my work efficiency seems to have improved.
Promotion 1 ...Are you even listening? We're having trouble collecting rare blood types for the emergency blood bank. So... what? What did you just say? A promotion? Now?
Promotion 2 This only means more work for me from now on, right? I knew this would happen! I'm an expert in this field after all. Don't worry, I can handle it!
Added to Squad Wait, I need to prepare my medical equipment first.
Appointed as Squad Leader A leader only needs to report to you, right?
Depart The medical equipment is ready. We can start anytime.
Begin Operation I don't know much about the enemy at the moment. I have my hands full with all these injured Operators...
Selecting Operator 1 Please elaborate.
Selecting Operator 2 The medical equipment has been set up.
Deployment 1 If you're injured, call for help immediately!
Deployment 2 Commence treatment.
In Battle 1 Ready for blood transfusion!
In Battle 2 Get the hemostat!
In Battle 3 Take this emergency kit!
In Battle 4 I'll be right there!
4-star Result It's really nerve-wracking being in the medic squad. Support troops are really under lots of pressure! Good thing I'm already used to it.
3-star Result The battlefield is a place of tragedy. I hope they come to understand this one day.
Sub 3-star Result Help the injured first. And the enemies who got away, we'll get them another day.
Operation Failure Sorry, we didn't bring enough backup medicine...
Assigned to Facility I guess I'm more accustomed to figuring things out myself...
Tap Hey, what are you doing?
Trust Tap Doctor, isn't it almost time for your annual checkup?
Greeting Hello, Doctor.
Title Arknights.