Operator dialogue: Vanilla

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Appointed as Assistant Awaiting your orders, Doctor.
Talk 1 The two seniors from the BPRS squad are here, too? In that case... Could you assign me to their squards [sic] in future missions, Doctor?
Talk 2 Huff... huff... three more sets of physical training and I'll be half-done for today! Doctor... please... fetch my water bottle for me...
Talk 3 You want to know about my hometown? My hometown... It's a cruel wilderness. Even survival itself is a difficult feat there. Compared to that, Rhodes Island is like heaven.
Talk after Promotion 1 I've become stronger than when I was an intern for Blacksteel.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 The 22nd rule of Blacksteel: "Anyone who loses their weapon no longer belongs here." That's why I always bring my hellebarde with me wherever I go. The rule doesn't apply to everyday situations, you say? But... if I remember correctly... wait, let me check. "This rule only applies to contracted Operators and new recruits under training." What?... Ms. Franka didn't tell me about this part...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Instructor Dobermann's really got a heart of stone! Why choose me other than anyone elase [sic] to deal with all those live Originium slugs alone? I... I just can't!
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I think I know now why Franka and Liskarm like being at Rhodes Island so much. Compared to Blacksteel, it's more... home-y here. And besides exciting missions, there are lots of fun places to explore...
Idle Shh, the Doctor's having a rest now. Keep your volume down, would you?
Onboard I'm Vanilla, trainee Operator from Blacksteel. Looking forward to learning from you, Doctor.
Watching Battle Record It's time to organize my notes. I need to digest what I've just learned.
Promotion 1 A... promotion medal? For me? My-my sincerest gratitude!
Added to Squad I'm here to help everyone!
Appointed as Squad Leader Me, the leader? Are you sure about that?
Depart I'll work even harder.
Begin Operation I will not bring shame to Blacksteel!
Selecting Operator 1 Hmm?
Selecting Operator 2 Your words are my command.
Deployment 1 Okay!
Deployment 2 Understood.
In Battle 1 You shall not pass!
In Battle 2 This hellebarde isn't just for show!
In Battle 3 Battle aren't always won by the most experienced!
In Battle 4 Take that!
4-star Result Whew, perfect victory!
3-star Result A very successful operation.
Sub 3-star Result If we worked a bit harder, we could have done better.
Operation Failure I... I'm still not strong enough...
Assigned to Facility At your service.
Tap Huh?
Trust Tap Doctor, would you like to dine with me tonight?
Greeting Morning, Doctor.
Title Arknights.