Operator story: Valarqvin

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The only known Cyclops Sarkaz and the representative of her tribe in Rhodes Island, Arges was born to the Wintertooth tribe in Sami whose origins trace from the Cyclopes' northward migrations. As a Cyclops, Arges is known for her ability to foresee future events, although this was more of a "sneak peek" of every possible outcomes of an occurrence — and all of them are "bad ends" for some reason. This does give Arges a pessimistic outlook of the world, at least prior to her encounter with Typhon, another Sarkaz who was on the verge of death after being attacked by the Andskotarnir. Arges saves Typhon and has since raised her as a surrogate mother; although she had foreseen possible bleak futures that would befall them, the Cyclops keep this knowledge to herself.

As R.I. sets themselves up on Sami and the Andskotarnir threat growing by the minute, Arges offered her assistance under the codename "Valarqvin".


The Black Forest Wills A Dream

Expeditioner's Joklumarkar