Operator dialogue: Tuye

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Appointed as Assistant You want me on work this boring thing...? Fine, fine. You're interesting enough to me. I'll go along with you.
Talk 1 If you want something moved, don't ask me. I'm not that brand of Forte.
Talk 2 This is some insanely precise instrument... huh? What, familiar sight? Huhhh. Oh, right. If that Mayer person comes 'round, don't tell her I'm here.
Talk 3 Never seen the equipment on my back before? Right, come over, put your hand here... keh-ka-hahahahahah! Look at your dumb face! You wanna know what just came out? It's water! And what's mixed in? Heh. You don't get to know.
Talk after Promotion 1 My interest in helping others is zip. But higher efficiency is good for everybody.
Talk after Promotion 2 Battles finish up faster now. Good to know, I guess.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Cake? Soft and squishy — not my speed. But. Mmp, mmnm... the umeboshi on top's not bad, sure.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 No rain in the ship? Wow. Like I don't know that? Now try and predict how it goes down out there. Next time there's a storm, just try it, get a little closer. Bet you won't stop thanking me then.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Oi. How does a day trip in the desert sound? I'll take you. I mean, anywhere else is fine too. As long as we have my multifunction jetpack, following the scent of the wind... heh. You must be dumb happy, having a guide as stellar as me.
Idle You out cold? Then let me just try this. Harder flow, greater spray area... And you get no right to complain.
Onboard You the Doctor? They all say you're the one here who knows more than the rest. You're gonna let me figure that out.
Watching Battle Record Combat's just like crossing the desert, where experience means nothing. Your only need is survival instincts.
Promotion 1 Doesn't this Elite Medal have any other kind of function? No fun there.
Promotion 2 Medical pro? It's a weird world where I get called that. Anyway, it's all about getting my jobs done, either way, right?
Added to Squad Out for field work again? Fine, fine. You're helping me test new equipment when we get back.
Appointed as Squad Leader Leading team combat doesn't differ much from being a guide.
Depart Route, OK. Equipment, check. Go.
Begin Operation More boring than running into a sandstorm.
Selecting Operator 1 Speak up.
Selecting Operator 2 I'm thinking...
Deployment 1 Good. Efficiency up by 17%.
Deployment 2 Need to move faster.
In Battle 1 Faster.
In Battle 2 Time to test my upgraded equipment.
In Battle 3 How's the newest nutritional fluid taste?
In Battle 4 Scent of the wind's changed...
4-star Result Tch. The sandstorms I've seen beat this any day.
3-star Result Scraped through, huh. Wasn't a waste of time.
Sub 3-star Result Efficiency lacking. Gotta head back and adjust my equipment, or switch reagents, maybe.
Operation Failure At least you figured a good retreat route...
Assigned to Facility You have a lot of rooms, huh...
Tap You gotta stop the boring crap.
Trust Tap Wanna try touching my bag again? Won't hit your face this time. Promise.
Greeting Rain again. Good weather, huh, Doctor?
Title Arknights.