Operator dialogue: Toddifons

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Appointed as Assistant Just let 'em burn. You weren't gonna give those papers a second look anyway.
Talk 1 If you wanted me to lay defenses in here, I'd break up the floor for starters. Not that I mind, it's up to you to think about it.
Talk 2 You've got people from Royal Guard knocking about too? Heh–ain't that interesting.
Talk 3 Calibrate the sight? Nah, the stuff I ordered last should be here almost, I'll make the arrows first... Push off! Out my way!
Talk after Promotion 1 Most who leave Vouivre don't agree with the mercenary life in Sargon. Move to Victoria, end up doing something else instead. You know, like... yeah, factory-working, farming. Right. Having their own little touch of land.
Talk after Promotion 2 You could probably tell, but I didn't used to be artillery. Recon, infiltration, CQC, mainly learned all that. I know I didn't like it, and the instructors wouldn't let me switch, so I dropped out, simple as. Where's the point in learning things you hate?
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Oh, you're helpless! How am I going to the workshop wearing this?!
Talk after Trust Increase 2 It's meant for attacking nomadic cities, this weapon. Using it to help you lot cope with skirmishers? It's like a hatchet to a cupcake. Let me try hitting a city or two sometime for practice, won't you?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Don't you think these crystals on my shoulder here match well with my hair color? I like my off-the-shoulder clothes too, so it's perfect. Shame, though, it would've been nice if they covered the whole way like that Siracusan Messenger girl.
Idle I'll be heading back to sort stuff out, then. No point wasting time on this rotter.
Onboard Arianrot[sic], codename Toddifons. I don't like working for ordinary people. Here's hoping you can show me any signs you're not like them.
Watching Battle Record Boring. Off we go.
Promotion 1 What goes on in those Logistics' minds, cleaning up my side projects... tch. Fine, I accept. Your feelings are loud and clear. See you.
Promotion 2 You have to have seen a Draco's flames before. Ever imagined how it'd be to rain them down on the enemy? I... can make that your reality!
Added to Squad I'm listening.
Appointed as Squad Leader Work's on. Focus.
Depart You lot go ahead. I've got things to prepare.
Begin Operation Visibility clear. Awaiting orders.
Selecting Operator 1 Still not done?
Selecting Operator 2 Yeah?
Deployment 1 Mounting complete.
Deployment 2 In position.
In Battle 1 I don't need visuals. Give me the map.
In Battle 2 This area is cleared. Next!
In Battle 3 Nothing remains after it rains arrows!
In Battle 4 Hah! Why would fire go out before burning everything up?
4-star Result Not that many people can make this thing shine—I guess you're one of them.
3-star Result Out without too much ash on me. Good.
Sub 3-star Result Ammo's more precious than that little lot. Deal with 'em yourself.
Operation Failure Still good to move? We're heading home. Grab on.
Assigned to Facility Like this titchy bit of space is enough? Let's break this wall down and I'll have the whole area behind, thanks.
Tap Think it through before you put your hand out.
Trust Tap Go on if you need something. No point in waiting for me to switch my contacts.
Greeting So it's you. If you need something, out with it.
Title Arknights.