Operation guide: The Earth Wakes

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One of the possible Dreadful Foes in the 3rd floor of Expeditioner's Joklumarkar, The Earth Wakes pits the player against the upgraded version of the Weaving Vinecreeps, Elder Vinecreeps, which boasts higher HP and defenses as well as shorter attack interval. One caveat of the operation, though, is that having the Vinecreeps exposed to the Active Originium means that it will permanently be left wide open to attacks (the HP loss is treated as an environmental effect), but its offensive power will be boosted significantly — effectively a double-edged sword.

However, the Vinecreeps is the least of your concern; the main problem is that it is escorted by Invisible Crossbowmen and Casters with buffed stats; should they are allowed to step into an Active Originium, they will be able to easily tear apart your defenses!
