Operation guide: TR-9

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TR-9 guide.png

The ninth tutorial operation of Arknights, TR-9 gives an insight on the usage of various Static devices to turn the tide of the operation, one of which includes Stun Generators.

Once Dobermann finishes her explanation, deploy Melantha on C3 and Plume on E3, facing right. The two Operators will be able to dispatch the Originium Slugs α, but four Dual Swordsmen will show up and both Operators cannot take them all out in time since they can only block a single enemy.

That's where the Stun Generator comes in to play; activate its skill, EMP Blast, as soon as the Dual Swordsmen enters Melantha and Plume's ranges. The EMP Blast will damage and temporarily stun the Dual Swordsmen, giving enough time for the Operators to kill them.