Operator dialogue: Swire

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Appointed as Assistant Doctor, we can't waste even one single precious minute! One minute could mean a loss of millions on the account with extra casualties on the field! Huh? Coffee? I take it with a sachet of sugar and heavy on the milk foam, thanks!
Talk 1 They say Rhodes Island is a criminal organization, full of Infected people dirtying up the corridors. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Rhodes Island's Operators are giving their lives to make things better for everyone, just like the police force of Lungmen!
Talk 2 Hear me out, do you think we could redesign the instructors' office? At least add a bit of flavor to it, maybe a handmade rug or some atomistic art whatnot. It's just so bland now. Dobermann might say she doesn't care, but it really kills my enthusiasm...
Talk 3 Ahhh, that awful Ch'en isn't here, is she? Back when we were in the L.G.D. together, she shot me this dirty look every time we bumped into each other. It made me wonder if I've done anything bad! I just... kinda want to take over the L.G.D. myself. That couldn't be bad, right?
Talk after Promotion 1 Exercise, study, training, researching my competitors and market shifts... Gotta keep them up!
Talk after Promotion 2 I've been allowed to set aside the family business for a while. But it's clear to me that the future of Lungmen needs both a stable public sector and security apparatus, as well as a healthy business and financial system. In both respects, I'm ready to be of service to Lungmen!
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Lungmen bureaucracy is complicated, even for us. Keeping the peace, protecting the people, directing traffic, negotiating trade... Agh, it's absolutely backbreaking. But as long as what we do is good for Lungmen, I'll be—hehe—very pleased.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Doctor, why is Rhodes Island's training course so short...? Insufficient capital? Unacceptable, I'm requesting an immediate transfer to the business division! It's-it's not as if I like business, but if you need me to do it, I'm... more than capable!
Talk after Trust Increase 3 You know, Doctor, Lungmen could use someone as talented as you. So, well... If you're not enjoying this line of work, there's plenty of opportunities in the banking and management sectors! I-I can get you a job! Oh? You'd rather we work with Rhodes Island? ...Fine!
Idle Uughh... I'm exhausted... Two shifts in a row really does... zzz... zzz...
Onboard Swire, Senior Superintendent of the L.G.D.. I'll be joining Rhodes Island as a training consultant. Dr. {nickname}, I'm looking forward to working together with you for the future of Lungmen!
Watching Battle Record Hmm, as far as tactical theory goes, this is a decent application!
Promotion 1 A promotion? Hmm? But it doesn't do anything for me back in Lungmen, does it? Well, if you insist, I suppose I will accept it!
Promotion 2 Maybe it's that you want me to improve your relationship with Lungmen. Or, possibly, you truly need my talents. I suppose it could be something else you want, too... I'm not sure exactly what, and I can't promise it'll be on offer. But I'll be a stalwart with you to the end.
Added to Squad Aha~! You finally need my wisdom!
Appointed as Squad Leader Everyone! Follow my orders to the letter!
Depart Wipe them out in one fell swoop! It's cheaper that way!
Begin Operation Let's finish this quickly. My time is far too precious!
Selecting Operator 1 Huh?
Selecting Operator 2 I've seen through enemy's strategies!
Deployment 1 This isn't my only battlefield!
Deployment 2 Business competitor or not, you will get a lesson from me!
In Battle 1 Time is money!
In Battle 2 Hurry it up, let's move!
In Battle 3 Lungmen has its own pride!
In Battle 4 Time to liquidate!
4-star Result Fantastic! In battle as in business: high risk, high return!
3-star Result Capital is all mergers and acquisitions! Victory is all investigation and arrest!
Sub 3-star Result ...Bad... just bad... You can do better, can't you? We'll work it out together. Don't give up!
Operation Failure How could this have happened? How could I... How could I have blundered so badly?!
Assigned to Facility Not bad... No, I think this room could use some more renovation!
Tap Ah! How rude of you!
Trust Tap How... How about we go for dinner together? M-my treat!
Greeting Doctor, roar!
Title Arknights.