Operator dialogue: Shaw

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Appointed as Assistant Awaitingorders, readywhenyouare, Chief!
Talk 1 Intheinterestsofsafety, Iaminspecting escaperoutes and firefightingequipment. Onemomentplease.
Talk 2 Pleasebeaware, itisagainstregulation tolightfires or smokecigarettes inthecorridors. Thankyouforyourcooperation, Operators.
Talk 3 Ensuringawareness of firesafety and firefightingprotocols isakeypart ofmyduties. Allowmeto beginwithyou, Chief.
Talk after Promotion 1 Iamverysmall, butthatmeans Icandowork nooneelsecan.
Talk after Promotion 2 Um... Thetruthis... I'mverynervous... AndIdon'tknow whattosay... Chief, thankyouverymuch, foryourconcern.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 WhenIstartspeaking sometimesIcan'tstop. Ihopeyouforgiveme, Chief... *sob*...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Chief, canyoupleasehelp changethislightbulb... I... can'treachit... Oh, it'sworkingnow. Thankyou.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Chief... Theytheythey're barbecuinginthedormagain. Canyouplease stopthemforme! Aaaah! Someoneswapped myfireextinguisher withIfrit's flamethrower! Areyouokay, Chief?
Idle Breaktimeends inafewminutes. Justtoletyouknow, Chief.
Onboard Pleasuretomeetyou, Chief. IamShaw oftheLungmenFireDepartment, reportingforduty!
Watching Battle Record Exercisevideosare partofthetraining?
Promotion 1 Thankyouforyourtrust, Chief!
Promotion 2 Thisis... anelitemedal? Ah! Yes! Iwillcontinue todomybest foreveryone, andfortheChief!
Added to Squad All ready.
Appointed as Squad Leader Followmyorders.
Depart Deploying!
Begin Operation Thefireis spreadingthisway. Getready!
Selecting Operator 1 Here!
Selecting Operator 2 Understood!
Deployment 1 Uhuh.
Deployment 2 Hah!
In Battle 1 Haah!
In Battle 2 Outtatheway! Outtatheway!
In Battle 3 Extinguishingflames!
In Battle 4 Youhaveviolatedthefireregulation!
4-star Result Afireofthisscale couldnotbeextinguished withoutthehelp oftheChief andtheothers.
3-star Result Thefireisextinguished. Readytoreturntobase.
Sub 3-star Result Thefireisbasiclyundercontrol. ShouldIbeginthedamagecontrolprocess?
Operation Failure O-oh no! Thefireis spreadingin thisdirection!
Assigned to Facility Iwillstayhere fromnowon then?
Tap Um...
Trust Tap Aablublublu!
Greeting Needsomething, Chief?
Title Arknights.