Operator trivia: Shalem

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  • His Chinese codename 暮落 (mù luò) translates to "twilight" or "dusk falls". His English codename refers to Shalim, the Cannanite god of dusk.
    • Reversing the characters in his Chinese name makes 落暮 (luò​mù), which means "the curtain falls".
  • His character is strongly inspired by Salome from the New Testament, particularly the eponymous play by Oscar Wilde in which she was reinterpreted to be more unstable and bloodthirsty.
  • Shalem has the traits of a Mexican black kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula nigrita), which is noted by the coloration and the glossy scales of his tail.
  • His tail is slightly translucent at the tip. The outline of his leg is visible through it in his base art, and the stem of a flower can be seen through it in The Fruition.
  • The face on his shield is likely inspired by the Gorgoneion, which is based on Medusa in Greek mythology.
  • Before the Under Tides Rerun update in the CN server, Shalem's Elite 2 icon reuses his base icon. The Global server retroactively applied this when Phantom & Crimson Solitaire is released.
  • Shalem is the first Operator whose English/Korean CV were credited when he was revealed in the Global server's Twitter. His EN/KR dialogues had been added to CN alongside Dorothy's Vision, which on the Global server preceded Crimson Solitaire's release by nine days.
  • Shalem's Korean voice actor, Kim Myeong-jun, is a former musical actor, which fits the fact that Shalem himself was involved in a theatrical troupe.