Operator story: Shalem

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Shalem is a Victorian Pythia born in the former Gallic territory of Calais-Blason, the same hometown as Lucian's. After a disastrous flood wiped out his village, he and Lucian were taken in by the Crimson Troupe, where the two were raised to become talented actors. However, by the time he grew up, Shalem realized that the troupe was actually an evil assassin organization, and that he had long fallen into the mind trap of the troupe. He was immediately despised by the troupe after failing to assassinate a target during a theatre show, and he took the opportunity to flee from it.

Since then, Shalem has been taking shelter at Rhodes Island where he is receiving treatment for his Oripathy. He is also surprised to see Lucian, the Phantom of the Troupe, staying in R.I. for his own goal. But the more he recalls his past, the crazier he becomes, even though he has been doing his best to suppress his emotion. Whether he will become a mad lad remains unknown, and R.I. will continue to monitor his mental condition before it is too late.

Shalem, then unnamed, first appeared in Criscrossing Shadows, part of Rewinding Breeze, before being introduced as an Operator with the release of Phantom & Crimson Solitaire.


Rewinding Breeze

Phantom & Crimson Solitaire

Shalem: The Play That Was