Sarkaz's Furnaceside Fables: Eras

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This article pertains to a subject that is not yet released in the Global server of Arknights.

Similar to Hallucinations and Calls of We Many in past I.S. themes, as the player proceeds through a Sarkaz's Furnace Side Fables run, they might run into different Eras of the Sarkaz's long history of rise and fall. All but one Eras impose completely detrimental effects that serves to make things more difficult.

Unlike Hallucinations and Calls of We Many that may be triggered upon entering a new floor, a new Era may begin when the player passed through nodes; once an Era triggers, it will end after the player had passed a certain amount of nodes (even across floors). Fortunately, only one Era can be active at a given time.

The Eras' effects depend on the Face the Revenants difficulty level:

  • At Face the Revenants +0 to +5, the Eras will be at the base Formative stage.
  • At Face the Revenants +6 to +11, the Eras will be at the enhanced Expansion stage.
  • At Face the Revenants +12 to +15, the Eras will be at the further enhanced Peak stage.


IS5-Era 1.png
Era of Catastrophes
In this Era, meteorites striked the land, crystalline flowers flourished
Formative There will be an additional Spines of Age during operations. Spines of Age and Weeping have their HP doubled.
Expansion There will be an additional Spines of Age during operations. Spines of Age and Weeping have their HP increased to 2.5×.
Peak There will be an additional Spines of Age during operations. Spines of Age and Weeping have their HP tripled.
IS5-Era 2.png
Era of the Sarkaz King
In this Era, the Black Crown never faded
Formative Sarkaz enemies have their HP increased by 20%. Operators affected by Marks of Age cannot be manually retreated.
Expansion Sarkaz enemies have their HP increased by 35%. Operators affected by Marks of Age cannot be manually retreated.
Peak Sarkaz enemies have their HP increased by 50%. Operators affected by Marks of Age cannot be manually retreated.
IS5-Era 3.png
Era of Misery
In this Era, Oripathy was the least harmful disease
Formative Friendly units on the map lose 25% of their current HP whenever another is deployed.[note 1]
Expansion Friendly units on the map lose 50% of their current HP whenever another is deployed.[note 1]
Peak Friendly units on the map lose 75% of their current HP whenever another is deployed.[note 1]
IS5-Era 4.png
Era of Finance
In this Era, figures = wealth
Formative Rogue Traders' wares are more expensive. Friendly units have their DP cost increased by 2.
Expansion Rogue Traders' wares are more expensive. Friendly units have their DP cost increased by 3.
Peak Rogue Traders' wares are more expensive. Friendly units have their DP cost increased by 5.
IS5-Era 5.png
Era of Wonder
In this Era, countless architectures emerged and were passed down through the ages
Formative Ideas have their Burden increased by 1. Enemies have their HP increased by 20%.
Expansion Ideas have their Burden increased by 1. Enemies have their HP increased by 30%.
Peak Ideas have their Burden increased by 2. Enemies have their HP increased by 50%.
IS5-Era 6.png
Era of Overcrowding
In this Era, people were crowded together, and space was at a premium
Formative The Unit Limit is reduced by 1.
Expansion The Unit Limit is reduced by 2.
Peak The Unit Limit is reduced by 3.
IS5-Era 7.png
Era of Philosophy
In this Era, a hundred schools of thought contended, each with its own views
Formative Slightly increases the likelihood to be distracted in an Idea Filter.
Expansion Increases the likelihood to be distracted in an Idea Filter.
Peak Greatly increases the likelihood to be distracted in an Idea Filter.
IS5-Era 8.png
Era of Prosperity
In this Era, all requirements of life were fulfilled
Formative Friendly units have their maximum HP increased by 20% and Treasure Chests are more likely to spawn in (Emergency) Operations.
Expansion Friendly units have their maximum HP increased by 30% and Treasure Chests are more likely to spawn in (Emergency) Operations.
Peak Friendly units have their maximum HP increased by 50% and Treasure Chests are more likely to spawn in (Emergency) Operations.
IS5-Era 9.png
This section of the story is not meticulous, it is supposed to be unreasonable
Friendly units' sprites are obscured in a similar way to the Image Corruption/Blackout Collapsal Paradigm in Expeditioner's Joklumarkar.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The HP loss will not be triggered again if a friendly unit is deployed while the one who triggers it previously remains on the map.