Operation guide: SK-4

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Unlike SK-3, this map is relatively easy to complete as the holes allow for Shift Specialists to easily dispatch dangerous enemies.

When the stage starts, 2 Shielded Senior Casters will be pre-spawned. A push specialist can be used on the leftmost one to drop the Senior Caster into the hole by placing them one tile above the caster. But before that, deploy and immediately retreat a cheap unit such as Yato right on top of the rightmost shielded caster to move him out of range of the pusher. This to make sure that the rightmost caster cannot target the pusher.

With the pusher, the only other operator needed to defend the top lane will be a Medic to heal. Do make sure the pusher has skill 1 equipped at least level 4 and that the pusher has adequate HP to tank enemies.

The bottom lane can be defended with a defender, some Casters: at least one AoE and at least 1 ST, a medic, and most importantly, a pull specialist. The puller must have a skill level of 4 just like the pusher. The pull specialist must also be at Elite 1 for the +1 tile range. The puller can be placed on the top lane facing down where enemies on the bottom lane are reachable.

If enemies leak or the defender dies, more medics, casters, or melee units can be used. Supporters that can deal arts damage or arts guards will also help. Other units such as Gravel can also be used to stall enemies if the DPS from the casters it not enough.