Operation guide: Requiem Aeternam

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One of the possible Dreadful Foes in the 3rd floor of Mizuki & Caerula Arbor, Requiem Aeternam (Latin for "Eternal Rest") pits the player against the now-fallen Saint Carmen who boasts massive HP and ATK in addition to a handcannon loaded with three bullets allowing him to unleash double-strength ranged attacks, though not so much can be said about his defenses. Should St. Carmen's handcannon run dry, he stops to reload it and will be Stunned for a while if his reloading is interrupted (e.g. by Stunning Carmen).

There are Bushes which can keep friendly units safe from St. Carmen's handcannon, but be wary that two Technical Scouts will be present throughout the operation, rendering this a moot point if the Scouts are not taken out quickly. In addition, the backups which includes Sarkaz Greatswordmen and Crossbowmen can put some pressure into the defensive line.

General strategies

  • A strong tank or laneholder is recommended to hold the choke point at the bottom, as the grouped Sarkaz can do considerable damage to squishier units, as can Carmen once he reaches the bottom.
  • Carmen's handcannon deals tremendous damage that can one-shot most ranged operators and even some melee ones, so use whatever means necessary to prevent him from shooting core units in the defense. A blocker at the far-right corner of the bottom lane will be out of his range while being able to intercept all of the incoming enemies, while the bottom right corner in general will be safe from Carmen for most or all of the operation.
  • Eliminating the pre-spawned Technical Scout early with a decoy blocker or invsibility reveal will prevent Carmen or the Sarkaz Crossbowmen from shooting down ranged units, letting them take advantage of the Bushes to attack Carmen and the other enemies with impunity. This is highly recommended, as severely injuring or outright defeating Carmen before he walks towards the exit will make the operation considerably easier, on top of dealing extra DPS to the decently tanky Sarkaz. Be wary that a second Technical Scout will appear from the top-right Incursion Point near the end of the Operation, which can suddenly jeopardize ranged setups.
  • Stunning Carmen during his reload animation will buy a good amount of time to damage him or recover from his attacks. It is not recommended to rely on this, as the roguelike nature of the mode may not always provide a means of doing so.