Operator file: PhonoR-0

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Unofficial English translations provided by Shainel.
R&V type Witchcraft Operational Platform PhonoR-0 is Rhodes Island's first and the only intelligent Operational Platform attached with a Banshee caster. Unlike other customized Raythean Operational Platforms, her creation is a inseparable from understanding of Rhodes Island's Top Engineers and the Banshees. Judging from the design of its operating mechanism, transmission system and core witchcraft components, PhonoR-0 is more akin to mobile Witchcraft Altar than an operational platform. As a result of a combination of cutting-edge technology and Sarkaz witchcraft, its performance isn't outstanding but it's easy to deploy and can support field operators in any day. Currently it participates as a Supporter operator in combat missions.
Archive File
Have at least 100% Trust with PhonoR-0

Weibo introduction

English translations provided by Shainel.
I have long admired you, Doctor of Rhodes Island. Please allow me to pay my respects to you on behalf of the Banshees.
Ephaniel, I'm not familiar with how Rhodes Island's operators works, but fortunately the Doctor told me you'd be on duty here. I know how busy you are, but please wait a moment as I bring the news from the Convallis. No, not only from your mother, but the other sisters from the Convallis also said this:
"We hope that the lingering sound of the Convallis will always be in your ears and we hope that your singing isn't filled with loneliness."
According to the agreement, my identity in Rhodes Island is the operational platform PhonoR-0. I was born from your choice, I speak the word of the Banshees and my body was made Mr. Mechanist and Miss Closure. But I'm still a Banshee of the Convallis — and that is my wish as well.