Operator dialogue: Passenger

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Appointed as Assistant To be of assistance to you would be my great honor.
Talk 1 The Originium crystal on my forehead is oft regarded as an adornment. A very convenient mistake; it lets me save the effort of concealing my Infected status. That said, every time pain crosses my brow, I'm deeply struck by my own foolishness. To say I leave Sargon asks just where my path now leads.
Talk 2 Sesa is still a young one. Yes, I am only a scant few years his senior. But his approach to patience is slightly ungainly, and his resentment not firm enough. If he wants for a drop of verity to set his passion for vengeance alight, I would be much willing to provide... Ah, should you forbid it, I would not act out of turn.
Talk 3 I abhor the black market. Only lowly, vapid ruses circle it. People all believe themselves the most veteran players, yet all end dismally. At times, you need only think with some care, and you can send someone to their demise—even a padishah's very own appointed lord ameer. Hm, might you be curious?
Talk after Promotion 1 That great fire, then? Do you look to fault me? Quite, I would not challenge it. But not a single innocent came to suffer in that fire. Nor did a single perpetrator survive. In the black market of Sargon, the good have only ever come in one variety; they are the ones who live on. And I have lived on.
Talk after Promotion 2 I and Kal'tsit... Dr. Kal'tsit, are indeed former acquaintances. To be precise, she was my rescuer and savior, but be at ease; I am yours now. Oh, was that not your concern? How remarkable, that as a coworker of our "Kal'tsit," you could yet be so unwary?
Talk after Trust Increase 1 "Were I to return to Columbia." I cannot say I've never entertained the possibility in these years, but such supposition would only serve to shake me. Doctor, I hope you should use me to the utmost. If such mild civilian techniques have become a stranger to me, I would now much rather renounce them.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Elliot? How do you... Hm. Elliot. His parents gone before their time, his one beloved, esteemed teacher dead in Sargon, the work which bore his faith but a stepping stone in someone else's conspiracy. To this day, he is bereft of anything. Elliot Glover is merely a laughable life lived.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I know a scientist. Of a brightest star, an elegant gentleness, as if a born leader. I admire him, depend on him, regard him as my elder brother. But his end is not a good one, considerably not. So you must protect yourself well, Doctor. After all, we do get along quite pleasantly.
Idle How long it has been—since such clear skies.
Onboard Your Operator, Passenger. I have been looking forward to the day I work with you, Doctor; we will together enjoy this journey.
Watching Battle Record Admirable tactics. I see great benefit is drawn from your command.
Promotion 1 I shall, for you and Rhodes Island both, offer ever more perfected service. I invite you to trust me, that the Reefsteep Black Market's "Sand Soldier" still hides further means.
Promotion 2 I truly hope that my amusing Operator codename may be able to remind you—Doctor, there is no need to trust others, and you are capable of doing everything yourself. Oh? It seems you have other views. I shall duly accede, then.
Added to Squad Allow me to show you how a true exceptional weapon of war may perform.
Appointed as Squad Leader I am quite familiar with strategy and planning. Of course, it is contingent, should you have other notions of your own.
Depart Let us depart.
Begin Operation Now then, we have everything in place.
Selecting Operator 1 I heed your command.
Selecting Operator 2 As you wish.
Deployment 1 Should this be your intent...
Deployment 2 I am prepared.
In Battle 1 Now go.
In Battle 2 Now punish these people.
In Battle 3 All as you desire.
In Battle 4 Now begone with no trace.
4-star Result You must pardon me; it seems my lowly weapons have barely served to accomplish this mission. Should you assent to my adopting more... extreme methods, we may thus have an easier time.
3-star Result Thunder and lightning are but a form of punishment, and they have paid the price for their ill deeds. How good it is, do you not think?
Sub 3-star Result I cannot permit the punished to leave my sight in peace. Doctor, I plead you permit me to perform this aftercare.
Operation Failure It is not a sweet loss, Doctor, but have peace of mind. Those who have snatched away victory from your hands—will be privileged to enjoy suffering in full.
Assigned to Facility It is a captivating landship, Doctor. Sargon has never accorded me such treatment.
Tap Oh. Might something be the matter?
Trust Tap Doctor, are you soon to take coffee? These are my own hand-tended coffee beans–it was my singular recreation in Sargon.
Greeting My greetings, Doctor.
Title Arknights.

Since some of the following dialogues are actually Passenger and Elliot (voiced by a different CV) talking to each other, the speaker will be denoted before their respective dialogues if that was the case.
Appointed as Assistant Elliot: What did you find in time, mysterious master of the black market?
Passenger: The past, Elliot. I have always been seeking the past. Perhaps I will find a home in the patterns of the cacti and quicksand, but neither you nor I know the answer of fate.
Talk 1 Passenger: I detest everything there. I have no choice but to leave Sargon, even if obeying the coin meant acquiescing to fate.
Elliot: But I am here, Sand Soldier. You can't escape what you are. Our destinies have already been written.
Talk 2 Passenger: Sargon leaves marks on you. To the employer, you are feeble as a fledging fowlbeast. I forgot how it feels to be put to the lash. Do you hate them?
Elliot: No. I know their end. I know it from your eyes. Fortunately, you do not seem to regret it.
Talk 3 Elliot: Your expression gives no answer. Did you not put it all to the torch?
Passenger: There is a plaza in the black market with a view of the sky. Do you remember what night reminds you of? I called it a cremation, but when the conspirators had their way and the flames raged, it was not the face of my teacher that that came to mind.
Talk after Promotion 1 Passenger: Do you remember the first component of Thorne's Gift?
Elliot: The shoddy Arts Unit that was obtained by burying conscience in the sand and deceiving a guard who lost his son? And... Thorne's Gift? What will a teacher give to an evil mastermind, Passenger?
Talk after Promotion 2 Elliot: Tell me. Has Oripathy changed our lives? Do you feel pain? How will the illness transform me? Have the schemers behind the scenes miscalculated?
Passenger: You are trembling, poor Elliot. Never mind the cause. Now, all I do is marvel at its beauty in the mirror.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Passenger: Business is best in the spring. Festivals adorn the summer. Autumn is the season to seek fortune away from Ibut. Winter belongs to war. These are the seasons of Sargon, seasons that you will come to hate...
Elliot: ...But the stars shine bright on summer nights in Ibut.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Elliot: Strange things, fabricated dreams are. What should I say to you, Doctor of the future? If I had met you earlier...
Passenger: ...No. The Doctor does not exist at any point between you and I. The Doctor belongs to my time, and may act as the Doctor wills. I have high hopes for the Doctor.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Elliot: A Vouivre, and the "Doctor". Are you begging for their pity?
Passenger: No, I simply want to learn about my future, or tell others about theirs. Eternal nothingness is worse than any illness... listen to me, Elliot. I feel a little tired.
Idle Sleep, my Elliot. Sleep and dream together with me. In our dreams, you will become me, and I will still be you.
Onboard Passenger: Have I flipped open the pages of destinies past?
Elliot: No, it is but a dream, a dream that you seek to avoid. My future.
Watching Battle Record Elliot: I see conspiracies...
Passenger: ...Yes, Elliot. The conflicts, the greed. They are everywhere.
Promotion 1 Passenger: Oripathy has robbed me of my future. I hope that Rhodes Island can make use of what I have left.
Elliot: No. Rhodes Island does not exist to indulge your desire for self-harm. It is not that they are too kind; it is that you are too harsh. This is Elliot Glover's conclusion.
Promotion 2 Elliot: Will you see the Sargon of winter when you awaken? Will you sleep away in the eternal summer? Must I become you?
Passenger: Prophecy is fate in disguise. Sleep, Elliot. You built me, and I complete you, until the day the prophecies no longer foretell.
Added to Squad Elliot: Why do you not seek more companions? It is inefficient.
Passenger: You will understand. Many things will make you understand.
Appointed as Squad Leader Elliot would have asked me: How does an empty soul lead others with sincerity?
Depart I remember the feeling of carrying my injured teacher on my back. It was the feeling of war. But war is profitable.
Begin Operation I fought for a single purpose. Let war be the past, then, if the purpose is lost.
Selecting Operator 1 In place of training.
Selecting Operator 2 Do you remember the touch of quicksand?
Deployment 1 My war machine will fulfill your wishes.
Deployment 2 "Man" is the ultimate weapon.
In Battle 1 I remember how this equipment was born.
In Battle 2 What is there to be gained by fighting in the name of my teacher?
In Battle 3 Sentimentality does not bring victory.
In Battle 4 Vengeance ends.
4-star Result Elliot: There is no snow in the winter of the black market. Will I still see snow?
Passenger: Yes, but there will be nothing you recognize in that world of silvery white.
3-star Result Elliot: Your machinations will catch up to everyone. Is this how you became the master of the black market?
Passenger: Yes, you will too, Elliot. I know that well. You will not let anyone escape.
Sub 3-star Result Passenger: Did you see how the chastened fled?
Elliot: I saw them. I wonder if that was how those Columbians saw me.
Operation Failure Passenger: The days to permit mistakes are gone, never to return. We are fighting an enemy too powerful for us.
Elliot: Fate? No, ourselves.
Assigned to Facility Elliot: Do you find Rhodes Island comforting?
Passenger: It's more the caffeine.
Tap Do not disturb him.
Trust Tap Passenger: Treasure your memories, treasure a time when you still had emotions.
Elliot: I understand; at least, I still do.
Greeting Elliot: I dreamt of a future. Everything became nothing as the seasons changed. No sweet dreams, no nightmares... only the darkness remained.
Passenger: That is the answer of fate, Elliot. The darkness means nothing. It is Nothing itself.
Title Arknights.