Operator dialogue: Pallas

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Appointed as Assistant Become an assistant? If the job is similar to that of a priestess of the Hall of the Twelve Heroes, I shall be fine.
Talk 1 Ugh... Ehem, I must not drink, drink so much next time... Ah, Dr. {nickname}. Why do you sway, so much in your movement today?
Talk 2 The city is a grand sight during the festivals. Theatrical performances, sparkling wine, sports competitions... To be frank, I have even once participated in amateur Formula Chariot racing. That chariot was not cheap. I wonder if its fate was being inherited, or if it was simply abandoned after I left.
Talk 3 To think that there were so many like-minded comrades in Rhodes Island. Yes, poetry! War! Freedom! To gather the people's strength from within the torrent of history, and fight to change this world. How exhilarating! These tragic yet extraordinary stories should be immortalized and passed down forevermore.
Talk after Promotion 1 After contracting Oripathy, I moved to a small village at the border of Minos. There was a small ongoing war against the Sargon incursions... In the end, the Minoans were victorious. However, rather than the so-called reality, I would rather wish that it spreads slowly as a story.
Talk after Promotion 2 Simply light the flames of resistance, and it shall burn hot and fierce. Just pass on the story of the 'Goddess of War' to those that dearly wish for liberation! All that I have, is but this infected body of mine, and this unchanging faith.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Is that so. Vulcan, once the champion of weapon forging, is here? This is great news indeed! This weapon in my hand has confounded many a smith, and I have had great difficulty in getting it repaired. Look upon this signature, which belongs to her... Oh? I shouldn't mention it?
Talk after Trust Increase 2 The stories of Minoan heroes... There exist both comedies and tragedies alike. However, the noblest part of the Twelve Heroes is that——Without exception, each and every one of them returned to a simple, ordinary life.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 To be oppressed for so long that one becomes numb to it is a most pitiable thing. A heart without hope will not burn with the fires of rage. I would never wish for anyone to face cruelty, but those who aspire to become a warrior must possess a bit of hope, a little spark and a timely opportunity.
Idle I am used to thinking while standing upright. From time to time, I am suddenly poked, simply to check if I have fallen asleep on my feet.
Onboard I am the Minoan priestess, Pallas. I shall be convalescing at Rhodes Island for a time... Be that as it may, I hope to enjoy my share of alcohol and theatre, and I yearn even more for battle.
Watching Battle Record To be able to record the acts of the warriors in battle with such realism, what a great convenience it is.
Promotion 1 Abandoning glory, the hero decided to return to normal life, but could not, due to Oripathy infection? No... It should not be so...
Promotion 2 I am... a believer chasing after the will of the heroes. My weapon shall remain ever sharp and free of rust, to be employed against the forces of injustice and cruelty. My humility shall not be forgotten, and it will remind me of my mission to save others.
Added to Squad Heroes who promise victory, I shall receive your blessings.
Appointed as Squad Leader I am with you, o great warriors, to fight by your side.
Depart The next time you turn your head, it shall be us returning with victory in hand.
Begin Operation Fear not, for we shall claim victory over these reckless fellows!
Selecting Operator 1 Rejoice!
Selecting Operator 2 Come––
Deployment 1 There is no room for regret.
Deployment 2 We need not retreat.
In Battle 1 O' heroes, for this greatest faith of ours, please stand on our side.
In Battle 2 Tremble, in the face of true bravery.
In Battle 3 Weep, for that worthless faith of yours.
In Battle 4 You shall kneel here.
4-star Result Have we done it...? I feel only the greatest honor and joy.
3-star Result Turn about, o heroes. We have achieved a perfect victory, and it is now time to return and enjoy the fruits of our labors.
Sub 3-star Result Listen well, the laments have ceased. This calm heralds the arrival of peace and joy.
Operation Failure Even though the wars of humanity have no end in sight... At this moment, we have protected our dignity. Leave. Keep your heads held high.
Assigned to Facility My horns are a danger to furniture. I shall be vigilant.
Tap What would you do, should you possess wisdom and strength?
Trust Tap Shall we go and enjoy ourselves at the Minoan-themed multimedia room event?
Title Arknights.
New Year Wishes It’s a new year, and the sacred fire in the Temple of the Twelve Heroes is still burning brightly, but I am no longer qualified to light the sacred fire... However, I can still set off fireworks in Rhode Island, right? This one is called 'Two Kickers'. Can it be placed on the deck?
Greeting Are you rested, Doctor?
Anniversary Celebration Wherever one may be, lively celebrations always stir the heart. Sing out loud, cheer on! Let the joyful atmosphere of this moment be etched in laughter, and let tomorrow's vision be opened with fine wine—Hmm, even today, must I restrict my drinking?