Operator dialogue: Nightmare

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Appointed as Assistant Um, it's really bright in here... Doctor, do you think you could turn off some of the office lights? I'm not used to it yet...
Talk 1 Um, you really brought me here to be an Operator, right? Not to study me? What about that doctor, Miss Kal'tsit? What is she going to do to me...?
Talk 2 My staff was passed down to me by my father. Its magic does something called "Evernight" to those it touches. Anyone trapped in that illusion will... have trouble waking up the next day...
Talk 3 I'm used to being alone. When I feel lonely, I'll just talk to myself. Haha... Hmm? Is that weird?
Talk after Promotion 1 Stare deeply into my eyes. Feeling sleepy, aren't you? Hehe... Now, how about you tell me where Rhodes Island stores its "Originium"?
Talk after Promotion 2 Did you call me? Oh yes, my disease is worsening. That's because you wouldn't give me your "Originium," and now this body is gradually disintegrating... So, what should we do, Doc-tor?
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Um, please let me apologize! I mean, erm, I m-might still end up saying something weird, but please don't get angry... I just have no way to control "her"...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Say, Doctor, if I were to suddenly end you, right here, how would everyone else react...? Argh! Grgh! No! I have to stop myself from... Hehe, I really would like to see it...
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Doctor, don't you get tired of it, from time to time? Your work,life, feelings, everything... What would you say to just forgetting all of it, all at once? With my power, things like that can be arranged...
Idle Your sleeping face is so cute, it makes me want to...
Onboard I'm Nightmare.. Aah, that's a code name. My real name is Gloria. But, if you don't mind, I'd rather you call me that... I think my code name... is kind of scary...
Watching Battle Record You're making me stronger... but why...?
Promotion 1 I came here as a patient, to get treatment for my disease. But now am I to understand that doctor wants me to fight for you?
Promotion 2 Don't you think I'm only barely qualified for this promotion? It doesn't matter, I'm just lucky to be alive at this point. So whatever you want to do, we can do it.
Added to Squad All right. Got it.
Appointed as Squad Leader I can't do this alone...
Depart What sorts of incredible powers will you be using? I can't wait to see~
Begin Operation So these are our enemies, huh? Looks fun.
Selecting Operator 1 Um, is there anything to eat?
Selecting Operator 2 You want to fight me?
Deployment 1 This is.. the battlefield..!
Deployment 2 Been a while since the last time I was on the battlefield.
In Battle 1 Ahaha, why so serious?
In Battle 2 C'mon. Relax, relax.
In Battle 3 Sweet dreams...
In Battle 4 W-we're still advancing?
4-star Result Victory... It feels amazing.
3-star Result Well, sorry, but this is the end I prepared for you.
Sub 3-star Result We won. What more do you want?
Operation Failure What... have I done...
Assigned to Facility I'll be fine in the corner...
Tap Aaah!
Trust Tap D-did I do something bad again...? Just, please let me apologize. I'm so, sooo sorry...
Greeting Good morning, Doctor~
Title Arknights.