Operation guide: New Street

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New Street guide.png
#0 (Barrenland) Rotating Site (Day 3 and 10)
#1 (Pyrite) Rotating Site (Day 5 and 13)
#2 (Blade) Rotating Site (Day 3 and 10)

With a wide-open area, there are many paths left exposed for enemies in New Street to make a beeline into the objective; fortunately, the player have eight Roadblocks at their disposal to funnel them into carefully planned killzones (watch out, though; the Environment: Building Material Shortage contracts will cut the number of available Roadblocks). The enemy lineup is not that difficult to handle, mostly consisting of Lurkers and Invisible Crossbowmen as well as some Heavy Defenders Type-N, but watch out for the following:

  • All four Enraged Possessed enemies (Soldiers, Leaders, Throwers, and Bonethrowers) who hits hard but loses HP over time, so they can be easily stalled. Note that the Originium Zone: Cellular Regeneration contracts not only buffs the ASPD of Throwers and Bonethrowers, but also makes them no longer degenerates HP, so they must be killed ASAP; furthermore, the Originium Zone: Infection Hyperplasia contracts will make Soldiers and Leaders even tougher by buffing their stats, but their HP degeneration rate is increased to (somewhat) offset that.
  • Ergates; since they cannot be blocked, they can easily slip through even the toughest of Operators if the player are too much focused on melee Operators or they are preoccupied with other threats.