Operator dialogue: Nearl

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Appointed as Assistant Salutations, Doctor. May the light be with you.
Talk 1 I request you send me to the most dangerous place available. My shield shall protect everyone.
Talk 2 The title of "Knight" should be a symbol of honor. And yet now, it's been reduced to a mere commodity...
Talk 3 As long as the light continues to guide me, I will neither bow to cruelty nor kneel to violence.
Talk after Promotion 1 I'm grateful as always for your service, Doctor.
Talk after Promotion 2 The Kazimierz chivalric spirit should have been a force of salvation for all who suffer in this world. But now, it's nothing more than a rotten legacy, used to benefit the rich. Nothing is more shameful.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Shining, too, is a beam of light that guides me forward. She carries the hope I've long sought.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Something flickered in Shining's eyes when she heard the name Rhodes Island. I had no idea what it meant...
Talk after Trust Increase 3 In this time and age of a world plagued by Oripathy, may the ray of hope from Rhodes Island light the way.
Idle Let us embrace this momentary respite.
Onboard Margaret Nearl, the Radiant Knight of Kazimierz... nay, Rhodes Island Operator. I will defend your life and your honor with my shield.
Watching Battle Record Thank you for granting me power.
Promotion 1 Thank you, Doctor. These new powers shall bring relief to those who suffer. This I shall engrave upon my heart.
Promotion 2 Shining once said that dawn remains distant. But I believe that, one day, we will revive the dying glory with our very own hands.
Added to Squad I shall protect them from all harm.
Appointed as Squad Leader I shall not blemish Rhodes Island's name.
Depart I am ready. Set out!
Begin Operation Honor must be defended.
Selecting Operator 1 In your name.
Selecting Operator 2 I shall do everything in my power.
Deployment 1 I shall cover you!
Deployment 2 Get behind me!
In Battle 1 Light, heed me!
In Battle 2 I'm with you!
In Battle 3 Do not be afraid.
In Battle 4 Revitalize!
4-star Result A true knight will not bend to the threat of violence. Now, repent for your sins, in front of my warhammer.
3-star Result Let us go forth. And there will come a day, when we may...
Sub 3-star Result A true knight will not chase one who's lost the will to fight. Everyone deserves a chance to choose a new path.
Operation Failure We must not give up now.
Assigned to Facility I shall keep watch here.
Tap I sense an intru- Oh, Doctor!?
Trust Tap Doctor, umm... may I enter your office? I've heard you have a vast collection of literature.
Greeting Good morning to you, Doctor.
Title Arknights.