Operator dialogue: Meteorite

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Appointed as Assistant I'm on my shift right now. If I'm interrupting your work, I can go outside and wait there.
Talk 1 Did you investigate all the new Operators and check if their data lines up with their personal files?
Talk 2 No place in the world is absolutely safe as long as the war is still going on. Not even Rhodes Island! Please remember that.
Talk 3 To be frank, you're surrounded by people from all walks of life. That can be quite dangerous, don't you think?
Talk after Promotion 1 I'm surprised that so many other Sarkazians like me have come to Rhodes Island — and they actually get along!
Talk after Promotion 2 My bowgun may not be easy to operate, but it's just as powerful as the guns of the Lateranos. With it, I will defend the glory of my people.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I met Firewatch. That kid... she's using the name of the organization which we fought together in as her codename. It's like time has stopped for her ever since the day her hometown was destroyed...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 As for what happened between Firewatch and I... she'll tell you when she's ready. All I can say is that I was not the one who led the rebel army to her hometown... but no one would believe the words of a Sarkazian, right?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I have my mission, and she has hers — to revenge. Even though we've met again at Rhodes Island, it probably won't affect anything. Our paths will probably not cross.
Idle "What's that sound? Is someone monitoring this room? Or am I just imagining things?
Onboard Codename Meteorite, a freelance mercenary. I'm a Sarkazian, as you can see. You still wanna hire me in spite of that?
Watching Battle Record My aim with my bowgun has improved.
Promotion 1 You want to promote me? I see that I made the right choice to work here.
Promotion 2 Thank you so much for this, really. I can't believe someone like me could receive a stable job here at Rhodes Island. I'll do everything I can to repay you for trusting in me.
Added to Squad Here I am.
Appointed as Squad Leader Me, a leader? But I'm not that good at giving orders...
Depart I'll do my best to take care of everyone.
Begin Operation Enemy status confirmed. Get ready to fight.
Selecting Operator 1 All right.
Selecting Operator 2 No problem.
Deployment 1 We have a clear view.
Deployment 2 Let's take them all out.
In Battle 1 Fire!
In Battle 2 Fire your weapons!
In Battle 3 Focus fire!
In Battle 4 Get back!
4-star Result I don't want to see all these collapsing buildings, burning from the war. Please, let's just end this once and for all...
3-star Result Think you can escape from my intricate net? Don't be silly.
Sub 3-star Result Someone's escaped. Not the time to let our guard down.
Operation Failure Retreat! Get back to the stronghold and regroup.
Assigned to Facility What's this place?
Tap Huh? What?
Trust Tap Is this for me? Thanks.
Greeting How's it going, Doctor.
Title Arknights.