Operator dialogue: May

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Appointed as Assistant Doctor, even though I'm now your employee, if your conduct is even slightly shady, I won't stand by idly!
Talk 1 Rhodes Island has a suspicious smell about it...
Talk 2 Careful observation is fundamental to all investigations! It might seem basic, but it always works!
Talk 3 You, over there! Face me, and put your hands where I can see 'em! Ah, sorry... I got the wrong person...
Talk after Promotion 1 I always thought that penguin over there is super suspicious. Look, even though it dresses like that, it spends money like it's water or something. It's even wearing a gold necklace! You know how much detectives like me make... that kind of lifestyle is simply unthinkable!
Talk after Promotion 2 Mmmm... so frustrating! How am I going to investigate that shady logistics company? ...Should I break in? Err, but those two guards give off fierce vibes that make my skin crawl... No, no, I'm not scared or anything, I'll just have to use my head and come up with a plan!
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Why are you giving me this bean paste bun? I would neber eat shumfing libe ris on an inweshtigation, you musht watch too mush TV or... (chewing) ... A real detective only eats donuts while on a mission!
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Three months, then three months after that. Then another three months after that. I've already been undercover for ten months! Chief, what the heck is going on...? ...Hey! You scoundrels, stop eavesdropping on my call!
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Doctor, that penguin seems to have noticed that I'm investigating it... I'm starting to fear for my life...!
Idle Wake up! Waaake uppp! Stop slacking off!
Onboard I'm the Royal Detective, May. Please cooperate with my investigation! Eh? I've got the wrong address? Impossible! I have evidence that proves that penguin is hiding here!
Watching Battle Record Don't I look super cool when I'm conducting my investigation?
Promotion 1 Thank you for the promotion Chief I'm so very grateful for... Hey, wait, you aren't even my real boss!
Promotion 2 Elite team? Hey, I'm a Royal Detective! Why am I being promoted by some mercenary organization?!
Added to Squad Be careful not to let any shady people onto the team.
Appointed as Squad Leader Hehehe! Leader? Nay, call me Inspector General!
Depart All troops, move out! All troops, moooove outttt!!
Begin Operation You criminals! Behave and turn yourselves in!
Selecting Operator 1 What? Did something happen?
Selecting Operator 2 Sure, sure, I got it!
Deployment 1 It's time to investigate the scene!
Deployment 2 Let me see your documents!
In Battle 1 This is your one warning!
In Battle 2 Freeze! Please!
In Battle 3 Now you're going to get a taste of my taser!
In Battle 4 It won't hurt, it'll just give you a little buzz!
4-star Result For a master detective, there is no case that can't be solved!
3-star Result Take away all these suspects! Ugh… Fine, I'll do it myself...
Sub 3-star Result Hmm… I feel like we missed some of the clues?
Operation Failure R-requesting backupppp...
Assigned to Facility I have a hunch as to what will happen here!
Tap You and your villainous hand! I'll remember this!
Trust Tap D-don't think you can wash away your crime just like that…!
Greeting There you are, Doctor!
Title Arknights.