Operation guide: MB-TR-1

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A special tutorial operation in the Mansfield Break event, MB-TR-1, titled Shackles and Dances, gives an insight on Prisoner enemies and the use of Imprisonment Devices to counter them.

At first an Ordinary Prisoner will spawn from F4 and Fang will be deployed on F7 facing left to intercept them. Silence then explains that Prisoner enemies wear a collar that "imprisons" them, which translates to the Prisoner having their ASPD halved (but certain Prisoner enemies will also have their DEF increased). Note that after three attacks, the Ordinary Prisoner's collar turns orange, which Silence points out as a warning that it is about to fail; at the fourth attack, the collar turns red as a distinctive sound is heard, indicating that the Ordinary Prisoner is now "freed" and no longer have their ASPD reduced in addition to gaining a special ability depending on the Prisoner enemy in question; in the Ordinary Prisoner's case, his ATK is now buffed.

The faster-attacking, hard-hitting Ordinary Prisoner almost overwhelmed Fang, but Silence quickly points out (after Mayer asked) that Imprisonment Devices can be used to reactivate the Prisoner enemies' collars, or in other words, reverting freed Prisoner enemies back to the imprisoned state. Do as Silence suggests by activating the Imprisonment Device on D6, and note that the Ordinary Prisoner's collar now turns back into white in addition to being momentarily stunned, losing the ATK buff and regaining the ASPD debuff in the process, and allows Fang to kill them.

Three Sniper Prisoners will spawn from D2 and Silence herself will be deployed alongside Ptilopsis on C6 facing up and D5 facing right, respectively. Silence will heal Fang while Ptilopsis draws fire from the Sniper Prisoners. However, Silence will note that certain enemies attack Imprisonment Devices over friendly units; note that the first Sniper Prisoner target the Imprisonment Device instead of Ptilopsis in each attack. It is thus important to keep Sniper Prisoners away from Imprisonment Devices so that the player will always be able to use them when needed.

A second Ordinary Prisoner then spawns from F4, but Fang would have no issues holding him off with Silence healing him, and Saria and Ifrit will be deployed on C4 facing up and D8 facing left, respectively, as the Sniper Prisoners are about to free themselves; their attacks will now deal Arts damage instead of physical. Use the Imprisonment Devices when the Sniper Prisoners are freed, but do note that the Ordinary Prisoner's collar still turns orange instead of turning white; this is because the Imprisonment Device does not reset the attack count needed by imprisoned Prisoner enemies to free themselves, so the player must exercise caution when using them.