Operator file: Kafka

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Former gardener from a Columbian city, joined Rhodes Island on Silence's referral.
Robustly talented, keen-witted, and ever lively no matter the secret mission she's on.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Kafka
Imaging tests have shown the outlines of her internal organs to be indistinct due to abnormal shadows. Originium granules have been detected in her circulatory system, confirming her to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 5%
Small amounts of crystals distributed across surface of Operator's body.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.19u/L
Per the Operator's description, we can determine her Oripathy fundamentally took gradual shape over the course of her frequent, varied contact with strangers. Owing to her healthy lifestyle, nevertheless, her condition hasn't notably worsened, and she will be receiving further treatment.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Kafka
A short Liberi girl with a grin permanently plastered on her face.
Her conduct and manners are packed with deliberate good-kid acts that anyone can see through at a glance. Moreover, it's clear that she's fully aware of it herself, and she still does it on purpose with not the slightest intent of correcting the behavior; this is to the extent that Operators don't rumor her too well, though she doesn't seem concerned.
However, she hates being taken as a small child due to her height; this will quickly wipe away her facade to reveal the boiling anger beneath.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Kafka
From Kafka's own perspective, she had no initial plans to join Rhodes Island.
Following the onboarding of Mountain and Robin, as well as Lotus, she intended to leave, but was deposited here by Silence.
The cause was her insistence upon keeping her Oripathy hidden from Silence, which was exposed at the time of her physical examination aboard Rhodes Island. Resulting dialogue within the Medical Department that day follows:
"Kafka, the entire time, I never realized you contracted Oripathy! Why did you not tell me!?"
"Tch. Busted, huh... I didn't wanna 'cause I KNEW you'd chew me out me like this..."
"Regardless, you're coming with me to the Medical Department for a checkup!"
"Wha? No, heck off! I'm going back to Columbia!"
"That's not happening."
"Waaagh, stop pullin' me! I don't got the cash to get treated in a place like this!"
"I'll cover your costs. You have no cause to worry."
"That ain't the problem here... aw, forget it, whatever..."
To sum up, once Kafka's exam results came out, under Silence's very firm demand, she ultimately agreed to stay at Rhodes Island, and in the end became an Operator.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Kafka
After you realize Kafka's true identity, her good-kid act becomes a lot easier to explain.
In truth, beneath her guise as a gardener, she's wandered amongst the petty gangs of the city's underclass—as a gang member herself.
One could say, as an orphan, she grew up moving from place to place. One could say, as someone with gang dealings far and wide from childhood, she caught onto a survival philosophy of her own. That philosophy's embodiment—playing the good kid.
She absolutely does not care if people hate her for this mask of hers; really, it might make her happy. She doesn't want to be adored by very many, nor is she planning on adoring very many herself. This painstaking pretense is, as she sees it, the optimal tool for maintaining her sense of distance from others.
It's clear this approach stems from the day-to-day affairs of the gray zone—betrayal, deceit, bloodshed. In such surroundings, putting yourself first is the best approach.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Kafka
It's also clear that to Kafka, Silence was a twist in her tapestry. Her attitude towards the Doctor is a similar twist, one we can pry into for limited insight.
Kafka and others like her will often avoid getting in too deep with any one person, as they'd be unable to maintain their mask. Plainly, though, as an Operator, Kafka has no way of avoiding frequent contact with the Doctor, and in the course of this, she understandably has times where she drops her own act.
Going by the Doctor's observations, Kafka's inherent nature doesn't surprise too many—in truth, to our many life-weathered operators, Kafka's pocketful of tricks barely does her justice—her personal loyalty, her strong empathy, her living in the moment, not letting the future grip her.
That is her, and if she considers the Doctor her number two friend, then Silence, whom she met by chance, is her number one.
It is beyond us to learn just what level of contact she and Silence had in the past. That said, even here at Rhodes Island, she'll mock Silence's rectitude on one hand while unable to stop worrying about her on the other. Regardless of anything, it brings a smile to one's face, and as little as it is, it's silently improved quite a few of our Operators' impressions of her.
Promotion Record
Promote Kafka to Elite 2
When she received her second promotion, it caught us off guard that from Kafka's show of emotion, we could feel some kind of genuine sincerity.
It's understandable, though. All those who have paid a little attention to her can tell—when she'd just come to Rhodes Island, she was an artful dodger, unwilling to assume any responsibility. The present Kafka may well look the same as back then, but inside, she's long since changed.
She'll bring young children nice little surprises on the sly, and she'll aid those who need it without batting an eye; in off time between missions, she'll commonly show up in Perfumer's garden, and the two get along very well these days.
It's clear as day, she's found a place for herself in Rhodes Island now.
Just as we'd determined at the start, though life in the Columbian gray zone made her unwilling by nature to bare her soul to others, that nature itself was kind all along. It leads us to suppose, even, that she only took on such a nature to keep herself alive, disguising herself—cheating herself."

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