Operator dialogue: Jaye

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Appointed as Assistant Need a midnight snack, Boss?
Talk 1 Here you go, Boss. And this. You mentioned it before... Everyone says I have a good memory, but I don't know.
Talk 2 When I'm off, I practice cooking... Not just seafood. What do you like to eat, Boss?
Talk 3 ...Boss, is it usually on me to find something to talk about?
Talk after Promotion 1 Boss, if you ever want to see a Lungmen night market, I can take you. It's fun, but not exactly safe.
Talk after Promotion 2 Boss Lady Kal'tsit gave me permission to use Rhodes Island's special channels to get some new stuff. Any requests, Boss?
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I had Officer Hoshiguma on me for a while, for a couple of reasons... But I know she was just looking out for me, same as the neighborhood aunties and uncles.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 I've been told that with my looks, plus my knife skills, I was born to be evil. I didn't like that, but what could I do...? After coming to Rhodes Island, I realized I should just do what makes me happy.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Boss, do you think there's any way to put my memory to good use...? I never thought about it before, but it would be nice if I could help.
Idle Bo... Oh, you're asleep. I'll just keep reading.
Onboard Hey, Boss. I'm Jaye. Officer Hoshiguma said I'd be better off working here, so here I am. I know seafood, I can cook, and I'm pretty good with a knife. I think I can help.
Watching Battle Record Huh, so cooking and warfare are pretty much the same.
Promotion 1 Boss, does this mean I can spread out a bit more?
Promotion 2 Boss, I figured it out. If you just treat the enemy as food, this battle thing is a lot easier.
Added to Squad Oh, I forgot to close up...
Appointed as Squad Leader I know how to lead a fishing crew.
Depart ...Oh? We're going?
Begin Operation That's a lot.
Selecting Operator 1 Yeah?
Selecting Operator 2 What's up?
Deployment 1 I'll try.
Deployment 2 Huh...
In Battle 1 Scale.
In Battle 2 Gut.
In Battle 3 Clean.
In Battle 4 Slice.
4-star Result Boss, did we just do something special?
3-star Result Boss, is it... over?
Sub 3-star Result Boss, should we go after them?
Operation Failure Boss, I think we should probably run.
Assigned to Facility I don't know if there's a suitable place to set up my stall...
Tap Hm?
Trust Tap Boss, I don't know if you have any vices...
Greeting Hey Boss, the weather's not bad today.
Title Arknights.