Operator dialogue: Indigo

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Appointed as Assistant Hm... Huh? Did you say something? W-Why, I'm not ignoring you... I'm just... thinking of something else.
Talk 1 I... I'm not very good at making conversation. I've always been alone. When I first left home to the outside world, I came across many people who were afraid of me. I even got my things stolen. It's no problem, though... As long as I still have my staff, I can work, so I don't often go hungry for long.
Talk 2 Life inside the lighthouse was hardly boring at all. The seas are always changing. However, my teacher drove me out of the lighthouse, and said to me, "If you don't see more of this world, you won't be able to protect even a small corner of the sea." That's how I made my way here.
Talk 3 Blue Poison gave me a new pair of gloves. Pretty, aren't they? She said the materials are improved as well. With these, it'll be harder for me to come in contact with any poison even if I hang out with my poison-wielding friends more. Actually, since I've been touching poisons by mistake all the time... it seems I may have built up an immunity.
Talk after Promotion 1 I used to gaze out at the sea each and every night. No one in town knew what it was we were guarding, and my teacher never told me. All I know is that, where there is darkness, there must always be lighthouses. I will stand firm, with all my power, until that day comes.
Talk after Promotion 2 Some people say this light is Originium Arts, but according to my teacher, this is a power that originates from my heart. With the light's guidance, those who sail through the foggiest nights will be able to resist the raging tides and find the correct bearing. That is why I will do my best to protect this light.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 My tail has a beautiful color? Thank you very much. It's okay. You may touch it. Despite the color, it's not poisonous.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 My hair can get tangled up if they get too long. Could you hold it for me? It takes time to get my hair set properly, but it makes it much easier to stay on the move while I'm on the battlefield. I want to be able to help you even more.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I've been starting to think that humans and lighthouses are very much alike... Some people can shine much farther and brighter than even lighthouses. Like you, Doctor. Would it be okay if I stay beside you for a little longer before I go back?
Idle You don't need me to keep watch while you're asleep? Huh? You want me to join you? I-I'll try...
Onboard Hello, Doctor. My name is Aria... Uh, my mistake. It's Indigo. I used to be a lighthouse keeper... apprentice. Now, I'm a Caster... Also an apprentice. Please look after me.
Watching Battle Record Are these techniques for fending off enemies? My teacher taught me a little, but I didn't know you could do this.
Promotion 1 Huh...? A promotion? A lighthouse needs only one keeper. Is that... not the case here?
Promotion 2 Eh? I can do much more? It's true. My light is able to shine on a much larger area than before... Thank you. I will keep doing all I can.
Added to Squad Indigo at the ready.
Appointed as Squad Leader Very well... I'll keep this light up. Please be careful not to wander off.
Depart Follow the light, please.
Begin Operation If you won't let us pass through, then we have no choice but to defeat all of you.
Selecting Operator 1 I'm all ready.
Selecting Operator 2 The seas are roaring.
Deployment 1 My staff has warmed up.
Deployment 2 The light is building.
In Battle 1 These enemies do not compare to the seas' ferocity.
In Battle 2 I will stand guard here until daybreak.
In Battle 3 It's only for the evil in your heart that you fear the light.
In Battle 4 If you want to run away, let me guide you.
4-star Result Why, if we are so strong, perhaps we don't need to fear the coming of that day.
3-star Result Thank goodness. Another calm evening.
Sub 3-star Result S-Some enemies got away? I saw. We must let everyone know.
Operation Failure Doctor, this way... Don't be afraid. It doesn't matter how dark the path up ahead is, I'll light it for you.
Assigned to Facility It's okay. I'll be fine by myself.
Tap Oh... Be careful... My hair's all tangled up... It'll hurt if I trip...
Trust Tap You will stay here with me? Why, if there's two of us, the nights won't feel as quiet.
Greeting Doctor, would you like me to make the light brighter?
Title Arknights.