Operator dialogue: Hung

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Appointed as Assistant Hey, Doc. Have you eaten yet? You could have one of my cookies if you're hungry.
Talk 1 Doc, if Aak ever steps out of line, could you be lenient with him? He teases people a lot, but he's not a bad person. Also, if he ever gets under your skin, just tell me and I'll get him to tone it down.
Talk 2 Just call on me when you're hungry, Doc, and I'll make you a little something to eat. I may not be a chef, but Mr. Lee taught me how to cook a few recipes.
Talk 3 Say, Doc, do you give any lectures on machines here at Rhodes Island? I've got an interest in that stuff and was hoping I could learn something new.
Talk after Promotion 1 Hahah, just between you and me, Doc, for the longest time I thought all detectives do the same stuff as Mr. Lee. You know, like investigating crime scenes, that sort of thing.
Talk after Promotion 2 I'm sure you already know, but with the intellect and talent that Aak's got, he's destined for great things one day. But personally, all that matters to me is that he doesn't ever go back to his old way of doing things.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Me and Mr. Lee, well... How should I put it... I was a bit scared at first. He seemed like a guy who's got dark secrets, which had me on edge... But now after knowing him for so many years, I know that's definitely not the case.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 If you need info on something or someone, just tell me and I'll ask Mr. Lee for you. Nothing in Lungmen happens without him knowing about it.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 To be honest with you, I actually don't like getting into fights. I'd much rather we could all get along with each other. But I'm not a militant pacifist; there are things I'll fight to protect. Things like the agency, and now, Rhodes Island as well.
Idle Do– Phew, I just nearly woke the Doc up... Guess I'll take this opportunity to rest too.
Onboard You must be the doctor that Mr. Lee talked about. The name's Hung, it's a pleasure to meet you. My fields of expertise are security and repairing machinery. If you ever need a bodyguard for a public appearance, or if your TV or fridge break down, then be sure to give me a holler!
Watching Battle Record So this is what the elite of the elite are like... I've got to work just as hard.
Promotion 1 Thanks, Doc! I'll be giving it 110% from here on out!
Promotion 2 Doc, don't hesitate to give me all the work you need done. I'll admit I'm not an expert at many things, but I've got the build for physically intense tasks!
Added to Squad A mission? I'm ready whenever.
Appointed as Squad Leader I personally guarantee everyone's safety.
Depart Stay close behind me so we don't get split up.
Begin Operation You can all rest easy, knowing I'm here!
Selecting Operator 1 I'll handle this!
Selecting Operator 2 Where do you want me facing?
Deployment 1 Get behind me!
Deployment 2 I'm here to protect you all!
In Battle 1 Don't think you're getting past us!
In Battle 2 Is anyone in need of healing?
In Battle 3 You're not hurting anyone on my watch!
In Battle 4 It's just a scratch!
4-star Result *pant*... *pant*... Sorry, Doc, but could you give me a minute? My body's shaking.
3-star Result You just stay here and rest, Doc. I'll clean up the battlefield.
Sub 3-star Result Stay beside me, Doc. There are still enemies around.
Operation Failure Hurry, Doc, climb onto my back! I'm getting you out of here!
Assigned to Facility Leave patrol duty to me.
Tap Are there any broken machines in here?
Trust Tap Need a hand, Doc?
Greeting Morning, Doc.
Title Arknights.