Operator dialogue: Gummy

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Part of the dialogues are spoken in Russian, rendered in Cyrillic on the table below to distinguish them from the English dialogues.
Appointed as Assistant Приветик,[note 1] Doctor! You hungry? Heehee, I heard your stomach growling from a mile away! It sounded like thunder!
Talk 1 My shield? I can lift it easy! Раз, два, взяли![note 2] Hehe, see? Oh, relax, Doctor. I'm not gonna drop it or anything. You don't have to stand all the way overthere.
Talk 2 The bad guys who destroyed my hometown are gonna pay! I'll smash them with my frying pan!
Talk 3 Zima says she'll protect me, but I'm not a baby! Me and my shield kept everyone safe before we made it here! It's not a shield, it's a vault door? No it isnnnn't! I can't believe you're calling it that!
Talk after Promotion 1 Doctor, you wanna taste my cooking? Hehe, you can try it soon. I've already asked Closure if I can work the cafeteria! Just waiting to hear back.
Talk after Promotion 2 Tadaaah! Here comes Gummy's specialty: bacon and eggs! So, do you like it? It's tough to get the heat right when I'm out in the field, but most days I can make it perfect!
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Me and the other four weren't always together, you know.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Why am I always so cheery? Umm, actually... After the things we've seen, it's hard to be cheery... But I really want my friends to forget about all that awful stuff. So I need to pull myself together and smile a whole bunch to make that happen!
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I... I miss my parents, and I do want to find them. I think about them all the time... but if I leave now, I don't think I could do anything by myself... So... Doctor, could you please teach me how to fight? I don't want everyone to think of me as some kind of kitchen girl!
Idle Are you sleeping, Doctor? Hmm, maybe a bit of reading here would be okay, I guess?
Onboard My name's Gummy! You must be the Doctor. Thank you and everyone from Rhodes Island for helping us! I don't have any special skills, but I'll do what I can as good as I can!
Watching Battle Record I can feel my power surging! I might even be able to lift you up, Doctor!
Promotion 1 I'll become a three-star Rhodes Island chef after the promotion, right? Just kidding! Hehe.
Promotion 2 I want to do much, much more besides cooking! I don't know if I'm strong enough to do everything you want me to, but I'll give it my all!
Added to Squad Gummy, ready to go!
Appointed as Squad Leader Что?![note 3] You're making me the leader?!
Depart Just wait for us to get back, Doctor!
Begin Operation Nope, I'm not scared!
Selecting Operator 1 Let me do it!
Selecting Operator 2 Pick me! Pick me!
Deployment 1 I'm ready to fight!
Deployment 2 I'll protect everyone!
In Battle 1 Try some of my specialty!
In Battle 2 Here's something yummy for you!
In Battle 3 Anyone hungry?
In Battle 4 Push forward, команда![note 4] Ура![note 5]
4-star Result The bad guys should just give up! With the Doctor on our side, they'll never beat us!
3-star Result I don't want to have to do that... but if we don't fight, the bad guy will get us!
Sub 3-star Result We won, and that's what matters! It's a good thing!
Operation Failure Ughh... did anyone get hurt...? Doctor? Is the Doctor okay?!
Assigned to Facility Wow, what a big room! You could get so many people in here!
Tap Ahahahahah!
Trust Tap Doctor, I know my food tastes great, but don't eat too much of it! You'll get fat!
Greeting Doctor, you want something to eat?
Title Arknights.


  1. Privetik; "Hello"
  2. Raz, dva, vzyali!; "One, two, lift up!"
  3. Što; "What!?"
  4. Komanda; "Team"
  5. Ura; "Hurrah/Hooray"