Operator dialogue: Glaucus

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Appointed as Assistant I'll be quiet modifying the Raythean Franker close by... I won't disturb you, I promise.
Talk 1 Why does everyone always keep their distance from Blue Poison? Am I missing something...? All right.
Talk 2 Anything you would like to say, Doctor? No? Well, anyway, I'm here.
Talk 3 No one in a hot dorm is going to have any appetite... Oh, it's a family thing, I'm not actually complaining.
Talk after Promotion 1 Why would I leave home to come here if I can't even run free?
Talk after Promotion 2 While Vulcan doesn't appreciate "old things" like me, I still feel we have different fundamental philosophies.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 So, Doctor, Blue Poison said I always seem to be hiding something. Do I? Occasionally? No way...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 It's not I don't want to talk, it's just that I seldom had the right to in the past, so I got used to not speaking up! Hope you won't take it the wrong way, {your_nickname}.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Two memories stand out to me. One is the wide-open, splendid scenery I saw the first time I ran with the child. For the other, I'll say right here, right now on Rhodes Island.
Idle Hey, when did the Doctor fall asleep...?
Onboard Operator Glaucus reporting. May I go back to my room now?
Watching Battle Record Huh? Yes, I see. Got it.
Promotion 1 I named the weapon, actually. Maybe that's what I really think... What, did they just announce my name for promotion?
Promotion 2 Trust...? Well, I don't know how to show it, but I'll keep trying.
Added to Squad Have the members followed the proper landing procedure?
Appointed as Squad Leader What? I'm the captain? Did I agree without realizing it?
Depart What interesting thing will we pick up this time?
Begin Operation EMP field ready.
Selecting Operator 1 Calling for me?
Selecting Operator 2 Fully charged and ready to go.
Deployment 1 Feeling the surface...
Deployment 2 Don't worry, it's a successful landing.
In Battle 1 Discharge!
In Battle 2 Never mind accidents now...!
In Battle 3 Increase microwave frequency!
In Battle 4 Time to fall!
4-star Result Enemy silent. Please check damage on yourself.
3-star Result All units silent, EMP field canceled. Nice work, everyone.
Sub 3-star Result Did some enemy escape? Aren't we pursuing?
Operation Failure EMP field is canceled. Call for backup, quickly!
Assigned to Facility No problem, as soon as I find that screw first...
Tap Oops...
Trust Tap Mind taking a walk with me, Doctor?
Greeting Good morning, Doctor.
Title Arknights.