Operation guide: Frozen Abandoned City

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Frozen Abandoned City guide.png

The fifth of the Annihilation operations, Frozen Abandoned City takes the ever-increasing challenge of Annihilation operations further, featuring a joint force of enemies from both Yeti Squadron and Patriot's Guerrillas. The former have Oneiroi and Yeti Casters, along with Originium Ice Crystals and Infused Glacial Originium Slugs that can inflict Cold/Freeze on friendlies, hampering their performance and rendering them more vulnerable to the Yetis, with most of them are capable of inflicting more damage against frozen targets, particularly Yeti Icecleavers who can at times KO frozen victims with one hit! The latter, on the other hand, relies on their battlefield experience to overwhelm their foes, especially when Guerrilla Heralds are around who will buff the ATK and DEF of all enemies present, whether those are Yetis or Guerrillas, and activates the special abilities of most of the latter until they are killed, but watch out for Guerrilla Shieldguards that Taunts friendlies and are highly resistant to both Physical and Arts damage, leaving sources of Pure damage the only effective countermeasure against them.

All in all, both the Yetis and Guerrillas make a dangerous combination which means that just because one's Operators are leveled enough, they shouldn't take Frozen Abandoned City lightly.
