Operator story: Estelle

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Estelle is the only known Archosauria with large horns, which is unnatural for her race. While at first glance this might be a result of Oripathy-driven genetic mutations, it turns out that she used to be a normal Archosauria who was abducted by Danny Chip, a staff of Lloyd Russet Biolaboratories, to be used as a guinea pig for human experimentation to create an "Archosauria War-God," which resulted in her growing horns. However, Estelle was deemed a failure and thrown out of the laboratories and has since lived in the barrenlands with a fowlbeast named Sir Cromwell.

Estelle attracted a lot of attention that often led to weird exaggerations, such as being known as a heroine named Ash Princess and revered by some Rusthammer members. All this caused Estelle to suffer from sociophobia, eventually approaching Rhodes Island for treatment and counseling. Thus, Estelle became one of R.I.'s combatants and now does her best to make friends there with mixed results.


Estelle: One Small Step For Her