Operator dialogue: Estelle

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Appointed as Assistant Uh... w-where should I stand? O-oh, you want me to sit? Then... w-where should I sit?
Talk 1 That little bird is my friend. But it's always disappearing on me these days... maybe it doesn't like me anymore...
Talk 2 I don't seem like an Operator at all, right? You probably won't feel too proud to tell anybody that I working for you. But don't worry, I won't go around saying I'm with Rhodes Island.
Talk 3 You can definitely tell there's no way I could have a typical hairstyle... I have to let my hair down like this. It's... not very appropriate, is it?
Talk after Promotion 1 My mutant horns... they're really stand out, don't they? I thought I was already used to the staring... but actually, it's still a bit embarrassing for me...
Talk after Promotion 2 The friends I made in the wilderness... they're all coming to Rhodes Island too. So... I feel less lonely! I'll do my best to fight hard and protect everyone.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Actually, when I was little, my dream was to... to become a princess... silly, huh? Laugh all you want, it's... it's okay...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 The bad guy always call me "freak"... but... yeah, I'm a freak, but a freak can still protect you and everyone else, right?
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Um... that really energetic doctor... she's an Archosaurian too, huh? I do want to talk to her... but I'm still a bit scared...
Idle No one's staring at me now, right? Ah, finally...
Onboard H-hello... Uh... s-sorry, my horns... I accidentally broke your office door with my horns...
Watching Battle Record Powers stronger than what I already have... can I really control them...?
Promotion 1 Promotion? What's that?... I don't really get it, but I think it means that you... that I've been helpful, right?
Promotion 2 Thank you, Doctor, for giving a bit more confidence... what should I do? Who am I doing all this hard work for? I think I know the answer now... you showed me what I needed to see.
Added to Squad P-please don't look at me...
Appointed as Squad Leader Wahh... me? R-really? Is that really okay?
Depart Uh, everyone... it's... it's time to attack! I-is this how I'm supposed to give orders?
Begin Operation I... I won't let the bad guys win!
Selecting Operator 1 Huh? Me?
Selecting Operator 2 Let me do it!
Deployment 1 If I'm in charge of this section... I should be able to pull in lots of enemies!
Deployment 2 T-to intimidate the enemy... I... I'm capable of that, right?
In Battle 1 Hah!
In Battle 2 I won't let you pass!
In Battle 3 I won't let you escape this easily!
In Battle 4 Fear me! Please!
4-star Result I can do better... yes, even better!
3-star Result Are you proud of what we've achieved, Doctor?
Sub 3-star Result Great... we won, Doctor!
Operation Failure I didn't do anything useful after all...
Assigned to Facility Wow, this place... it's so spacious! I love it!
Tap Um...
Trust Tap You're always so kind to me... I... I'm so happy!
Greeting D-Doctor...
Title Arknights.