Operator story: Erato

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A Minoan Liberi bard, Erato once fought the Sargonians during the Minos-Sargon War using her remarkable archery. After the war, she became a harpist, claiming to be the best in Minos and to have won three Hymnic Games medals in archery, although these claims may be exaggerated. After learning about Pallas' feats during the Minos-Sargon War, Erato sought to meet the Goddess of Victory in person, traveling as far as Victoria after learning that Pallas has been Infected, and came into contact with Rhodes Island who brought her into meeting with Pallas. Surprisingly, the Forte already knew of Erato's feats, resulting in the two quickly getting along. Erato then decided to lend her service to R.I. as a sharpshooter who can suppress her enemies with her somniferous Arts on the battlefield and entertain her comrades with her harp and storytelling outside the battlefield.


Erato: The Epic of Heroes