Operator dialogue: Enforcer

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Appointed as Assistant Doctor, do all these files need to be filled out by today? It's just, with this much left... so be it, I'll help you out. If we sort this out together, it shouldn't eat into our break hours.
Talk 1 When I decided to violate orders and act independently, I was expecting a severe reprimand. What I never predicted was that Mr. Executor would recommend me here...
Talk 2 Doctor, do you know if there's anywhere to borrow storybooks here? Operators at the Medical Department have asked me to care for the children under treatment, and I'd like to read them a tale or two.
Talk 3 The Notarial Hall employs more than just field executors; there's plenty of civil service posts. I actually aspired for one in the first place, but when it came to the evaluation, I accidentally... um, collapsed a few rooms in the examination venue, which got me put in my current position.
Talk after Promotion 1 I don't rue leaving Laterano; it was my own choice. There's so many places I'm still not familiar with, but I feel that being able to see the breadth of Terra like I am now is more than worth it.
Talk after Promotion 2 The Sankta ability to perceive each other's states of mind is common sense to us, not something that needs real elaboration. But I'm sad to say, at some point, I suddenly realized I lost that reciprocation with my own people. It wasn't any physical disease, I just... began to think.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Stop, Doctor! Phew. You took the wrong cup–that's the espresso I brewed for myself, with no sugar. Yours was the one next to it. Sorry, I assume it was too bitter? ...It's fine, it tastes great? A–Alright, I'm glad you like it.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Doctor, could you lend me your comms device for a moment? I usually turn my comms off after work, and don't get any messages. ...There we go, I've granted you emergency contact privileges. You can get in touch with me whenever for whatever, this way.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 You seem to be having plenty of fun. Yes, I can tell. Joy, sorrow, anger... emotions can propagate between all of us, regardless of what city or race we come from. When you're happy, it's no wonder I can sense it too.
Idle Doctor, are you still awake? It's just a little longer now. We can be on break once this work's done. Here, I have your coffee.
Onboard Hello, I'm a dispatch at Rhodes Island via a transfer agreement with the Notarial Hall. A codename? Let's think... You can call me Enforcer. Here's the files pertaining to the agreement. I'll be counting on you to show me the ropes.
Watching Battle Record Brilliant. It'll be quick for me to adapt to this combat style.
Promotion 1 A promotion... Is this going to impact my specific working hours?
Promotion 2 Maybe it's immature of me to approach things this way, but every step I've taken up to today is of my own choosing, and I'm satisfied with that. Doctor, thank you so much for watching over me all this time.
Added to Squad A new mission? Understood.
Appointed as Squad Leader If we run into any contingency situations, I will independently judge how to proceed.
Depart The sooner we're out, the sooner we're on break.
Begin Operation Do we have to compensate for damages incurred in combat?
Selecting Operator 1 By your order.
Selecting Operator 2 Enforcing.
Deployment 1 This battle is by no means out of animosity.
Deployment 2 We all simply have differing viewpoints, no more.
In Battle 1 This is as far as you go.
In Battle 2 A struggle with an ideal to support it is far from meaningless.
In Battle 3 I will hear you all out afterwards.
In Battle 4 Be careful not to fall from here, everyone.
4-star Result They have what they uphold, and we have ours. Thank you for the willingness to realize, Doctor.
3-star Result Mission complete. Good work, Doctor. Let's take a good break once we're back.
Sub 3-star Result The ones who ran–did they give up? Or, maybe...
Operation Failure No need to be so dejected. We can still try again.
Assigned to Facility So these are the renowned Rhodes Island dormitories? Very... well, frugal.
Tap Careful! You could've spilled the coffee.
Trust Tap I wear eyemasks while I'm on break, so I can only tell you all apart by your footsteps. Was that just now... the Doctor?
Greeting Want some coffee, Doctor?
Title Arknights.